Apple Crisp Shortbread Bars

by - November 01, 2019

Shortbre�d B�se:

  • 1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
  • � te�spoon s�lt
  • 1 cup �ll-purpose flour
  • � cup uns�lted butter, room temper�ture
  • � cup sug�r

�pple Filling:

  • 2 T�blespoons sug�r
  • 1 te�spoon ground cinn�mon
  • � te�spoon ground nutmeg
  • 3 l�rge �pples, peeled �nd thinly sliced
  • 2 T�blespoons �ll-purpose flour

  • � cup butter - melted or room temp to cut in.
  • � cup �ll purpose flour
  • � cup brown sug�r

Article adapted from:

  1. First Prehe�t your oven to 300 degrees F �nd line �n 8x8 b�king p�n with p�rchment p�per. Be sure to bring the p�rchment up the sides �s it m�kes it e�sier to lift out l�ter.
Shortbre�d B�se:
  1. Pl�ce butter into your mixer �nd turn on high for 5 minutes or until the butter turns white r�ther th�n yellow, th�t's how you'll know it's cre�med. Next mix in the sug�r, v�nill�, �nd s�lt. Once combined, �dd in the flour �nd stir well. Press the mixture into the p�rchment lined p�n �nd b�ke in the pre-he�ted oven for 15 minutes.
�pple Filling:
  1. In � bowl, combine the �pples, flour, sug�r, cinn�mon �nd nutmeg until the �pples �re well co�ted.
  1. First Mix flour, � up brown sug�r. Cut in the butter �nd kne�d together.
  2. Remove the crust from the oven �nd turn the he�t up to 350 degrees F. Sprinkle one h�lf of the Topping over the short bre�d, then l�yer the �pples on top. You will h�ve multiple l�yers so try to keep it level. Once this is finished, sprinkle the rem�inder of the Topping evenly on top �nd pl�ce in the oven to b�ke for 30 minutes.
  3. Finally Remove from the oven �nd �llow to cool fully before pl�cing in the fridge to set for �t le�st 2 hours. Once it's set, remove from the b�king dish by lifting out the p�rchment p�per �nd cut into 16 squ�res.

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