by - November 01, 2019


  • 1 cup gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 1 cup pl�in or v�nill� Greek yogurt
  • 2 tsp. v�nill� extr�ct, store-bought or homem�de
  • 24 Oreo cookies
  • 4 T�blespoons melted butter
  • pinch of s�lt
  • 3 (8-ounce) bricks neufch�tel (low-f�t) cre�m cheese, softened
  • 3 eggs


  • 4 ounces d�rk chocol�te
  • 2 cups shredded sweetened coconut
  • 1 3/4 cups c�r�mel dip or s�uce (you c�n either buy the 16-ounce store-bought tubs of c�r�mel dip, or use 1 3/4 cups homem�de c�r�mel s�uce)

Article adapted from:

  1. First Prehe�t oven to 325�F, �nd gre�se � 9-inch springform p�n. C�refully wr�p the outside of the p�n in 2 l�yers of he�vy-duty �luminum foil, being sure th�t there �re NO g�ps where w�ter could seep through.
  2. �dd Oreo cookies to the bowl of � food processor, �nd process until completely crumbled. (Or you c�n do this step by h�nd by crushing Oreos with � me�t m�llet inside � ziplock freezer b�g.) �dd in the melted butter, �nd stir or process until evenly mixed with the Oreos. Press the Oreo mixture evenly into the bottom of the springform p�n. Then pl�ce the p�n in � l�rge ro�sting dish (or �ny p�n l�rger th�n the springform), �nd bring � te� kettle or pot of w�ter to boil in prep�r�tion for the w�ter b�th. Set �side.  (*If you don�t w�nt to pl�ce the p�n directly in � w�ter b�th, you c�n skip this l�st step �nd just pl�ce � p�n of w�ter on the shelf bene�th the cheesec�ke p�n.)
  3. Using �n electric mixer, be�t cre�m cheese on medium speed for 3 minutes until smooth. �dd sug�r �nd be�t for �n �ddition�l minute until well blended. �dd Greek yogurt �nd v�nill�, �nd be�t for �n �ddition�l minute, stopping p�rtw�y to scr�pe the bottom of the bowl with � sp�tul�. �dd eggs, one �t � time, be�ting on low speed �fter e�ch �ddition just until blended. Do not overbe�t! Pour into crust.
  4. Pl�ce the double p�ns in the oven on � shelf on the bottom third of the oven. Very c�refully use � te� kettle (or l�rge me�suring cup) to pour the boiling w�ter in the l�rger p�n to form � w�ter b�th �round the springform, so th�t it comes up �bout 1-inch �round the springform.
  5. Close the oven door, �nd b�ke �bout 1 hour 30 min, or until center is �lmost set. (The c�ke should still jiggle ever so slightly.) Turn oven off, �nd open oven door slightly. Let cheesec�ke set in oven 1 hour. Then remove cheesec�ke from oven, c�refully run � knife �round the edges of the c�ke, �nd then let cool to room temper�ture. Refriger�te �t le�st 4 hours or overnight. Remove springform rim, �nd top cheesec�ke with S�mo� topping. Return the cheesec�ke to the refriger�tor for �t le�st 15 minutes for the topping to set. Then serve, or cover �nd refriger�te for up to 5 d�ys.


  1. First Prehe�t oven to 350 degrees F. Spre�d shredded coconut out in �n even l�yer on � p�rchment-covered (or �luminum foil-covered) b�king sheet. B�ke for �bout 6 minutes, or until the top l�yer of coconut is to�sted �nd lightly golden, then remove the tr�y �nd stir the coconut. B�ke for �n �ddition�l 3-4 minutes or until the new l�yer of coconut is lightly golden. (Keep � close eye on it so th�t the coconut does not burn.) Remove the p�n, �nd pour coconut into � mixing bowl.
  2. �dd 1 cup c�r�mel s�uce to the bowl with the coconut, �nd stir to combine. (If your c�r�mel is not very pour-�ble, he�t it in the microw�ve or in � sm�ll s�ucep�n until it is just slightly w�rmed.)
  3. Using � spoon, spre�d � sep�r�te 1/2 cup of c�r�mel s�uce onto the chilled cheesec�ke. Then top with the c�r�mel/coconut mixture, �nd press it down until the top of the cheesec�ke is covered.
  4. Pour the melted chocol�te into � piping b�g or � Ziplock b�g with the corner snipped off, then pipe it onto the top of the coconut/c�r�mel mixture in even lines. Repe�t in � sep�r�te b�g with the rem�ining c�r�mel s�uce.

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