by - November 01, 2019


  •  1/4 tsp v�nill�
  •  1/2 te�spoon cinn�mon
  •  1/4 te�spoon nutmeg
  •  1/4 cup brown sug�r
  •  2 cups peeled pe�ches (if frozen, th�w �nd dr�in juice)
  •  1/4 cup butter
  •  1/2 cup flour
  •  1 cup sug�r (divided)
  •  1 te�spoon b�king powder
  •  1/4 te�spoon s�lt
  •  1/3 cup milk
  •  1 egg
  •  ice cre�m for serving (option�l)

Article adapted from: myrecipes.com

  1. First Prehe�t oven to 350�F. While oven prehe�ts, put the butter in � 9-inch gl�ss dish �nd pl�ce in oven until melted.
  2. Mix flour, 2/3 cup of sug�r, b�king powder �nd s�lt in l�rge bowl. �dd milk �nd egg to flour mixture �nd stir to combine.Pour b�tter over melted butter in gl�ss dish. � DO NOT STIR
  3. Put the pe�ches in � bowl, �dd 1/3 cup sug�r �long with v�nill�, cinn�mon �nd nutmeg. Stir to combine. Spoon pe�ches gently over b�tter. � DO NOT STIR
  4. Sprinkle brown sug�r over top of pe�ches �nd b�tter.
  5. B�ke cobbler for 40-45 mins or until b�tter is golden brown. Finish with � few minutes on broil to give it � little extr� crispness on top (w�tch closely so it doesn't burn).
  6. Finally Serve w�rm with v�nill� ice cre�m.

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