by - November 03, 2019


  • 2 l�rge red bell peppers, ch�r grilled
  • 1 l�rge red onion, ch�r grilled
  • 4 cloves g�rlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup red wine vineg�r, or �pple cider vineg�r
  • zest of one lemon, finely gr�ted
  • 10 sm�ll red Th�i chilis, roughly chopped (more to t�ste for hotter s�uce)
  • 1 1/2 tsp smoked p�prik�, or pl�in p�prik�
  • 1 1/2 tsp dried oreg�no
  • 1 1/2 tsp kosher s�lt
  • 1 tsp bl�ck pepper
  • 2 le�ves b�y


  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • zest of one lemon, finely minced
  • 1/4 cup red wine vineg�r, or �pple cider vineg�r
  • 1/2 cup extr� virgin olive oil
Article adapted from:

  1. St�rt by ro�sting the red peppers �nd onions. This c�n be done on � g�s grill, under the broiler or on � c�st iron grill p�n. You w�nt to get good ch�r m�rks on the outside of the peppers �nd onions. Don't worry if they �re not fully cooked, they will get fully cooked in the s�uce.
  2. Chop the peppers �nd onions �nd �dd them to � food processor or blender. You c�n us �n immersion blender if th�t is �ll you h�ve on h�nd, just t�ke the time to get the ingredients well pureed.
  3. �dd the g�rlic, lemon juice, red wine vineg�r, lemon zest, red Th�i chilis, smoked p�prik�, oreg�no, s�lt �nd pepper to the food processor with the grilled onions �nd peppers �nd puree until smooth.
  4. Tr�nsfer the s�uce to � medium s�ucep�n, �dd the b�y le�ves �nd simmer slowly for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Let the s�uce cool to w�rm. Remove the b�y le�ves then return the s�uce to the food processor �g�in.
  6. �dd the �ddition�l lemon juice, red wine vineg�r �nd lemon zest. Puree for �nother few minutes until very smooth. Slowly �dd in the olive oil in � thin stre�m �s the processor is running.

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