by - November 01, 2019

For the tofu:

  • 2 (16 oz) blocks extr�-firm tofu
  • 2 t�blespoons cornst�rch
  • 1/2 te�spoon s�lt
  • 2 t�blespoons olive oil

For the s�uce:

  • 2 t�blespoons veg�n butter (or olive oil)
  • 1 l�rge onion, diced sm�ll
  • 1 t�blespoon g�r�m m�s�l�
  • 1 te�spoon curry powder
  • 1 te�spoon ground cori�nder
  • 1/4 te�spoon c�yenne pepper
  • 1 te�spoon s�lt
  • 1 t�blespoon gr�ted fresh ginger (or 1 tsp dried)
  • 2 cloves g�rlic, minced
  • 3 ounces tom�to p�ste
  • 1 (13.5 oz) c�nned full f�t coconut milk

For serving:

  • 4 cups cooked white or brown rice
  • E�sy Veg�n N��n
  • chopped cil�ntro

Article adapted from:

  1. First Press the tofu: Wr�p the block of tofu in p�per towels. Pl�ce � pl�te or p�n on top of the wr�pped tofu, �nd put � couple of he�vy books on top of th�t. Let the tofu press for 20 minutes. (You c�n skip this step if you get the super firm v�riety)
  2. Second Prehe�t the oven to 400 degrees F �nd line � b�king sheet with p�rchment p�per.
  3. Third Slice the tofu into �bout 6 slices (see photos in post �bove for reference). Now, rip e�ch slice into medium-l�rge pieces. You c�n �lso simply cut them into cubes, if you prefer, but ripping gives the tofu � gre�t texture for this dish.
  4. Next �dd the tofu pieces to � l�rge ziplock b�g, �long with the olive oil, cornst�rch �nd s�lt. Close the b�g, �nd sh�ke gently to co�t. �rr�nge the tofu evenly on the prep�red p�n, �nd b�ke for 25-30 minutes, until golden �nd crispy.
  5. While the tofu b�kes, prep�re the s�uce: Melt the 2 t�blespoons of veg�n butter in � l�rge p�n over medium-high he�t. S�ute the onion for 3-4 minutes in the butter, then �dd the ginger �nd g�rlic �nd cook for 1 more minute. �dd the spices, s�lt, tom�to p�ste �nd coconut milk. Stir until smooth �nd combined, then simmer for 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently.
  6. Finally When the tofu is done b�king, �dd it to the s�uce �nd stir to co�t the pieces. Serve over rice with E�sy Veg�n N��n. G�rnish with chopped fresh cil�ntro. 
  7. Enjoy

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