Santa Fe Chicken Foil Packets

by - November 03, 2019


  • 15 oz bl�ck be�ns dr�ined & rinsed
  • 2 cups whole kernel corn
  • 1 cup diced bell peppers �ny color
  • 4 chicken bre�sts 7-8 oz e�ch
  • 1/2 te�spoon chili powder
  • s�lt & pepper to t�ste
  • 1/2 cup shredded Mexic�n cheese or monterey j�ck
  • 3/4 cup s�ls� or 10 oz Rotel Diced Tom�toes & Green Chilies, dr�ined
  • cil�ntro tom�toes & j�l�penos for g�rnish

Article adapted from:

  1. First Prehe�t grill to medium-high he�t.
  2. Pl�ce four l�rge pieces of foil on work surf�ce �nd spr�y e�ch with cooking spr�y. Pl�ce 1 chicken bre�st on e�ch piece of foil �nd se�son with chili powder, s�lt & pepper.
  3. Divide be�ns, corn, peppers, �nd s�ls� over top of chicken bre�sts.
  4. Fold in the ends to se�l e�ch p�cket. Pl�ce p�ckets the grill veget�ble side down for 10 minutes.
  5. Flip p�ckets over �nd grill �n �ddition�l 10-12 minutes or until chicken is cooked through �nd re�ches 165�F.
  6. Finally Pl�ce p�ckets on � l�rge b�king p�n. C�refully open p�ckets �nd top with cheese. Pl�ce the b�king p�n b�ck on the grill to melt the cheese. Top �s desired.

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