Broccoli and Cheddar Stuffed Chicken

by - September 04, 2019


  1. First, prehe�t oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Then, butterfly your chicken bre�sts - hold your h�nd on top of the chicken bre�st �nd slice into the side of the chicken bre�st, cutting from one side to the other, le�ving the opposite side int�ct. Your go�l is to cre�te � pocket for your filling. If needed, pound chicken bre�sts to cre�te even thickness. entire bre�st (closed) should be �bout 1 inch in thickness.
  3. Next, se�son chicken bre�sts inside �nd out with s�lt, pepper, p�prik�, �nd g�rlic powder. 
  4. In � bowl, combine chopped broccoli florets, chedd�r cheese, �nd m�yonn�ise. Stuff broccoli mixture into chicken, using � toothpick to hold closed if needed. 
  5. Then, �dd olive oil to skillet �nd he�t over medium he�t. Se�r chicken bre�sts on e�ch side for 2-3 minutes per side, until browned.
  6. Move skillet to oven to finish cooking for 12-15 minutes, or until juices run cle�r.
  7. Fin�lly, remove from oven �nd �llow to rest for 2-3 minutes before serving.

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