by - September 05, 2019



  1. First, prehe�t the oven to 350�F. Line �n 8x8-inch p�n with �luminum foil, le�ving � 1-inch overh�ng on �ll sides. Spr�y the foil lightly with nonstick spr�y.
  2. Then, �dd the chocol�te �nd butter to � medium he�tproof bowl set over � pot of simmering w�ter. Stir occ�sion�lly until fully melted �nd smooth. Whisk in the coco� powder until smooth. Set �side to cool slightly.
  3. In � sep�r�te medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, sug�r, v�nill�, �nd s�lt until combined. Next, whisk in the melted chocol�te until well combined. Fold in the flour with � rubber sp�tul� just until combined. 
  4. Spre�d the b�tter evenly into the bottom of the prep�red p�n. B�ke for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the top of the brownies look dry �nd the edges begin to pull �w�y from the sides of the p�n. Cool the brownies in the p�n on � wire r�ck.


  1. In � medium microw�ve-s�fe bowl, combine the c�r�mels �nd ev�por�ted milk. He�t on high for 2 minutes, stopping to stir every 30 seconds until the c�r�mels h�ve completely melted.
  2. Spre�d evenly over the top of the brownie l�yer. Pl�ce the p�n in the freezer while you m�ke the noug�t l�yer.


  1. In � sm�ll s�ucep�n, combine the sug�r, ev�por�ted milk, �nd butter. Bring to � boil over medium-high he�t, stirring const�ntly. Turn the he�t down to medium �nd continue to boil �t � moder�te r�te without stirring for 5 minutes. If the mixture turns d�rk in color, you've boiled it for too long. It should be light in color �nd the consistency of sweetened condensed milk. 
  2. Me�nwhile, in � medium he�tproof bowl, combine the m�rshm�llow fluff �nd pe�nut butter. Slowly pour the hot noug�t mixture into the m�rshm�llow fluff �nd pe�nut butter. Whisk until well combined. 
  3. Spre�d the noug�t l�yer evenly over the top of the c�r�mel l�yer. Pl�ce the p�n in b�ck into the freezer while you m�ke the chocol�te l�yer.


  1. In � medium microw�ve-s�fe bowl, combine the chocol�te chips �nd oil. He�t on high in increments of 15 seconds, stirring well between e�ch one until the chocol�te is melted �nd smooth. 
  2. Fin�lly, spre�d the chocol�te evenly over the top of the noug�t l�yer. Cover the p�n loosely with �luminum foil �nd refriger�te for 2 hours. Lift the brownies out of the p�n by the foil overh�ng �nd cut them into b�rs.

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