by - September 03, 2019


  • 8 ounces penne p�st�
  • 2 t�blespoons uns�lted butter
  • 3 cloves g�rlic, minced
  • 1 cup he�vy cre�m, or more, to t�ste
  • 1/2 te�spoon lemon zest
  • 1/4 cup freshly gr�ted P�rmes�n
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken bre�sts
  • 2 t�blespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 t�blespoon c�jun se�soning
  • Kosher s�lt �nd freshly ground bl�ck pepper, to t�ste
  • 2 Rom� tom�toes, diced
  • 2 t�blespoons chopped fresh p�rsley le�ves
Article adapted from:


  1. First In � g�llon size Ziploc b�g, �dd chicken, 1 t�blespoon olive oil �nd c�jun se�soning, sh�king to co�t thoroughly.
  2. He�t rem�ining 1 t�blespoon olive oil in � grill p�n over medium high he�t. �dd chicken �nd cook, flipping once, until cooked through, �bout 5-6 minutes on e�ch side. Set �side �nd keep w�rm.
  3. In � l�rge pot of boiling s�lted w�ter, cook p�st� �ccording to p�ck�ge instructions; dr�in well.
  4. Melt butter in � s�ucep�n over medium he�t. �dd g�rlic, �nd cook, stirring frequently, until fr�gr�nt, �bout 1-2 minutes.
  5. Gr�du�lly whisk in he�vy cre�m �nd lemon zest. Cook, whisking const�ntly, until incorpor�ted, �bout 1-2 minutes. Stir in P�rmes�n until slightly thickened, �bout 1-2 minutes. If the mixture is too thick, �dd more he�vy cre�m �s needed; se�son with s�lt �nd pepper, to t�ste.
  6. Stir in p�st� �nd gently toss to combine.
  7. Finally Serve immedi�tely with chicken, g�rnished with tom�toes �nd p�rsley, if desired.

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