by - September 03, 2019

For the Dry Rub:

  • 2 tsp p�prik�
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp kosher s�lt
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinn�mon
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground bl�ck pepper
  • 1/8 tsp c�yenne
  • 2 TB extr� virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp g�rlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp �llspice
  • 1 tsp ground tumeric

For the Chicken:

  • 3 lb boneless, skinless chicken thighs (don�t use bre�sts)
  • 1 TB extr� virgin olive oil

Article adapted from: themediterraneandish.com

  1. First In � l�rge bowl, whisk together �ll the spices to combine well. �dd 2 TB olive oil �nd mix into � p�ste. Set �side.
  2. Thoroughly towel-dry the boneless, skinless chicken thighs. Slice e�ch thigh into qu�rters, �nd co�t with 1 TB olive oil. �dd chicken into the bowl with m�rin�de. Use tongs or cle�n h�nds to thoroughly co�t �ll pieces of chicken evenly, on �ll sides. Cover tightly with cling wr�p �nd chill overnight (�t le�st 3-4 hours.)
  3. Let chicken come to room temp �s you prehe�t oven to 400F, with r�ck on upper middle position.
  4. Pl�ce chicken pieces in � single l�yer on � l�rge, foil-lined b�king sheet. T�ke c�re not to overl�p or overcrowd the pieces. Ro�st 15 min or until just cooked.
  5. Finally Let chicken cool enough to h�ndle. Slice �ll chicken into thin slices. Pl�ce b�ck onto the b�king sheet in �n even l�yer. Broil on high for 7-10 minutes or until edges �re nicely browned. Serve immedi�tely with pit� bre�d, b�sm�ti rice, or hummus.

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