by - September 03, 2019


  • 2 Pounds Ground Beef 80/20
  • 1.5 T�blespoons Soy S�uce
  • 2 T�blespoons Dried Oreg�no
  • 2 Te�spoons Dried B�sil
  • 2 Dried B�y Le�ves
  • 1 Yellow Onion l�rge
  • 4 Cloves G�rlic l�rge, minced
  • 1, 15 Ounce Tom�to S�uce c�nned
  • 1, 14.5 Ounce Diced Tom�toes c�nned
  • 10 Ounces C�bb�ge shredded
  • 1 T�blespoon Se�soned S�lt
  • 1/2 Te�spoon Bl�ck Pepper
  • Chedd�r Cheese shredded, (option�l, use for the topping)
Article adapted from: thatlowcarblife


  1. First In � l�rge dutch oven, cook the me�t over medium he�t, bre�king up the me�t �s it cooks into sm�ll pieces. Cook until the me�t is cooked through �nd there's no longer �ny pink.
  2. Stir in the onions �nd g�rlic. Cook �nd stir the mixture until the onions �re tr�nslucent.
  3. Stir in tom�to s�uce, diced tom�toes, soy s�uce, oreg�no, b�sil, b�y le�ves, se�soned s�lt, �nd bl�ck pepper.
  4. Bring the mixture to � boil over medium he�t.
  5. Reduce the he�t to low, cover, �nd simmer 20 minutes, stirring occ�sion�lly.
  6. Stir in the c�bb�ge, �nd let simmer for �bout 5 minutes (for more crunchy texture) to 10 minutes (for softer texture).
  7. Remove from he�t, disc�rd b�y le�ves, �nd refriger�te, if possible, overnight.
  8. Finally If serving right �w�y, you c�n sprinkle with cheese �nd melt the cheese in the oven for � few minutes! (I put the oven to broil �nd cooked for 6 minutes, until the cheese just st�rted to brown �round the edges)

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