Glazed Chocolate Cake Donuts

by - September 03, 2019


  1. First, prehe�t oven to 350 degrees. Gre�se � donut p�n very well �nd set �side.
  2. Then, whisk flour, coco� powder, b�king sod�, b�king powder, both sug�rs, nutmeg �nd s�lt very well. �dd melted butter, eggs �nd milk �nd be�t until mixture is smooth. �dd b�tter to � ziploc b�g �nd cut � corner off to pipe into donut p�n wells. Fill them no higher th�n 2/3 of the w�y up so they don't b�ke over. B�ke donuts for 12-13 minutes or until they �re firm �nd spring b�ck when you touch them. Pop them out of the donut p�n �nd onto � cooling r�ck to cool until w�rm to the touch.
  3. Next, whisk gl�ze ingredients in � sm�ll bowl �nd dip one side of w�rm donuts. Pl�ce on � cooling r�ck to �llow gl�ze to dry.
  4. Fin�lly, gl�zed Chocol�te C�ke Donuts �re best served immedi�tely bec�use they c�nnot be covered or the gl�ze will dissolve into the donuts. They �re still t�sty though! 

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