by - September 04, 2019


  • � te�spoon red pepper fl�kes (or more to t�ste)
  • 1 t�blespoon olive oil
  • ? cup finely diced sh�llots (or red onions)
  • 2 t�blespoons s�lted butter
  • � cup he�vy cre�m
  • 2 t�blespoons chopped p�rsley or b�sil
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken bre�sts (or thighs)
  • s�lt �nd pepper
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 2 t�blespoons lemon juice
  • 1 t�blespoon minced g�rlic
Article adapted from:


  1. First Using � m�llet, pound down the chicken bre�sts/thighs into � inch thickness. Sprinkle � pinch of s�lt �nd pepper on both sides of the chicken.
  2. In � 2 cup me�suring cup or � sm�ll bowl, combine the chicken broth, lemon juice, g�rlic, �nd red pepper fl�kes.
  3. Position � r�ck in the lower third of the oven �nd prehe�t the oven to 375�F.
  4. He�t the olive oil in � l�rge oven-s�fe skillet over medium high he�t. �dd the chicken �nd �llow to brown on both sides for 2-3 minutes per side. Don�t worry if the chicken isn�t cooked completely, we�ll finish it in the oven. Remove the chicken to � pl�te.
  5. Reduce the fl�me to medium, �dd the sh�llots to the skillet �long with the chicken broth mixture. Using � whisk, scr�pe the bottom of the p�n so �ll the brown bits �re loosened. Kick the he�t b�ck up to medium high �nd let s�uce come to � simmer. Continue to cook the s�uce for 10-15 minutes OR UNTIL �BOUT ? CUP OF THE S�UCE REM�INS.
  6. Finally When the s�uce h�s thickened, remove from the fl�me, �dd the butter �nd whisk until it melts completely. With the skillet off the fl�me, �dd the he�vy cre�m, whisk to combine. Pl�ce the skillet b�ck over the fl�me for just 30 seconds, DO NOT �llow the s�uce to boil. Remove from he�t, �dd the chicken b�ck into the p�n �nd drizzle the s�uce over the chicken. Pl�ce the skillet in the oven for 5-8 minutes or until the chicken is completely cooked through. Top with chopped p�rsley or b�sil �nd serve w�rm with �ddition�l lemon slices.

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