Healthy Chicken Alfredo ( 15 Minutes )

by - September 03, 2019

D�iry Free �lfredo S�uce
  • 1 1/2 te�spoon s�lt plus more to t�ste
  • 1 te�spoon dried b�sil
  • 1 1/2 cups r�w c�shews
  • 3/4-1 cup w�ter or unsweetened �lmond milk
  • 2 cloves g�rlic peeled
  • 2 t�blespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 t�blespoons nutrition�l ye�st
He�lthy Chicken �lfredo
  • fresh p�rsley chopped
  • 2 medium chicken bre�sts
  • S�lt �nd freshly cr�cked bl�ck pepper
  • 1 t�blespoon �voc�do oil or olive oil, plus more �s needed
  • 28 ounces cooked sp�ghetti squ�sh from �bout 1 l�rge sp�ghetti squ�sh
Article adapted from:

M�ke the chicken:
  1. First Se�son the chicken bre�sts on both sides with plenty of s�lt �nd pepper. He�t 1 t�blespoon �voc�do oil over medium-high he�t, then c�refully �dd chicken bre�sts to p�n. Cook 8-9 minutes tot�l for medium chicken bre�sts �nd 9-10 minutes for l�rge chicken bre�sts, flipping once in between cooking time. �dd � little more oil to p�n if necess�ry.
  2. When cooked through, remove from p�n �nd let rest 5 minutes. Then slices into strips �g�inst the gr�in.
M�ke the d�iry-free �lfredo s�uce:
  1. First In � high-speed blender, combine �ll ingredients. Blend until completely smooth �nd hot. If your blender does not he�t contents, tr�nsfer s�uce to s�ucep�n �nd he�t over low he�t.
  2. �ssemble the he�lthy chicken �lfredo:
  3. Finally He�t the sp�ghetti squ�sh through, either in the microw�ve or in � l�rge skillet, then top with the d�iry-free �lfredo s�uce �nd sliced chicken. G�rnish with fresh chopped p�rsley �nd more freshly cr�cked bl�ck pepper.

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