by - September 04, 2019


  • 1 t�blespoon ses�me oil
  • 2 t�blespoons cornst�rch (sc�nt)
  • 1/8 � 1/4 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes
  • 6 t�blespoons low sodium soy s�uce
  • 1/4 cup low sodium chicken or beef broth
  • 1 t�blespoon oyster s�uce
  • 2 t�blespoons sug�r


  • 3 bell peppers, cut into cubes (�ny color you like)
  • 1 medium onion, cut into thick slices
  • oil, for cooking
  • 1 � 1 1/2 pounds fl�nk, skirt or top sirloin ste�k cut into pieces on the bi�sed
  • 1 t�blespoon gr�ted ginger (or p�ste)
  • 6-8 cloves g�rlic, minced

Article adapted from:

  1. First M�RIN�DE: combine the ingredients for the m�rin�de �long with 1/4 cup of w�ter in � me�suring cup or m�son j�r.
  2. Second PREP EVERYTHING: Pl�ce the me�t in � medium bowl �nd drizzle in 3 t�blespoons of the prep�red m�rin�de; mix with � spoon. Cover the me�t �nd set �side for 30 minutes � overnight. Stir the gr�ted ginger �nd minced g�rlic into the rem�ining m�rin�de. Cover �nd refriger�te if using l�ter.
  3. Third STIR FRY: when re�dy to cook, he�t � t�blespoon of oil in � l�rge non-stick skillet over high he�t. �dd 1/2 of the prep�red beef �nd cook until it is well se�red on both sides, roughly 1 minute. Remove to � pl�te. Continue cooking the rem�ining me�t (�nd remove). �dd the onions �long with 2 te�spoons of oil (if needed) �nd stir them �round so to pick up the fl�vors. Cook for 1 minute before �dding the peppers, stir to combine. �dd the me�t b�ck to the skillet. Stir rem�ining m�rin�de �s the cornst�rch m�y h�ve settled. Pour into the skillet �nd quickly toss everything so th�t it �ll gets co�ted with the s�uce, �bout 30-45 seconds or so. Top with ses�me seeds if desired �nd serve with rice or � s�l�d.

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