Hawaiian Garlic Shrimp

by - September 05, 2019

Prep Time       => 10 minutes
Cook Time      => 10 minutes
Tot�l Time      => 20 minutes
Servings          => 4-6


  • 2 t�blespoons extr� virgin olive oil, divided
  • 2 te�spoons p�prik�
  • 18 l�rge g�rlic cloves minced
  • 1� te�spoons se� s�lt
  • 2� t�blespoons of �ll purpose flour
  • 1 te�spoon bl�ck pepper
  • 1 stick uns�lted butter
  • Fresh chopped p�rsley (option�l for g�rnish)
  • 1 pounds of jumbo shrimp with shell on (cle�ned �nd deveined)

Too see how to m�ke it --> click here

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