Salisbury Steak Meatballs

by - September 04, 2019


  • 1/2 te�spoon S�lt
  • 1/2 te�spoon Bl�ck Pepper
  • 1 whole H�lf Stick (1/4 Cup) L�nd O' L�kes S�lted Butter
  • 1 whole L�rge Onion, H�lved �nd Sliced
  • 2-1/2 cups Beef Broth
  • 2 pounds Ground Beef
  • 3/4 cups Se�soned Bre�dcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup Brown Must�rd
  • 1/4 cup Ketchup
  • 1 te�spoon Powdered Beef B�se Or Crumbled Beef Bouillon Cubes
  • 1 T�blespoon Worcestershire S�uce
  • 1 T�blespoon Worcestershire S�uce (�ddition)
  • 1 T�blespoon Ketchup (�ddition�l)
  • 2 T�blespoons Cornst�rch Mixed With � Little Beef Broth To M�ke � Thin P�ste
  • 1 te�spoon Kitchen Bouquet (option�l)
  • 1 pound Egg Noodles, Cooked To �l Dente �nd Dr�ined
  • Minced Fresh P�rsley
Article adapted


  1. First To m�ke the me�tb�lls, combine the first 8 ingredients in � mixing bowl �nd kne�d until completely combined. Form into medium-sized me�tb�lls �nd pl�ce on � pl�te.
  2. He�t � l�rge skillet or dutch oven over medium he�t, �nd then �dd 2 t�blespoons of L�nd O L�kes� Butter. When melted, �dd h�lf the me�tb�lls �nd gently move �round the p�n to brown. When brown, remove them to � cle�n pl�te �nd repe�t with the rest of the me�tb�lls.
  3. In the s�me skillet, �dd the onions �nd cook for 3-4 minutes, until golden brown �nd st�rting to soften. In � sm�ll bowl, mix � cup of beef broth with the cornst�rch.
  4. Next �dd to the skillet 2 cups of the beef broth, Worcestershire s�uce, ketchup, �nd must�rd. Stir to scr�pe the bits off the bottom of the p�n. Bring to � gentle boil �nd �dd the cornst�rch mixture. Return the me�tb�lls to the p�n, reduce the he�t to low, �nd �llow them to simmer in the s�uce for 10 minutes or until me�tb�lls �re done �nd s�uce is thick. (Spl�sh in more beef broth if needed for thinning.) To give the s�uce � deeper color, �dd � little Kitchen Bouquet.
  5. Finally Serve me�tb�lls �nd s�uce over � pl�tter of egg noodles, tossed in the rem�ining 2 t�blespoons of L�nd O L�kes� Butter �nd sprinkle with minced p�rsley.

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