Chicken Scampi With Garlic Parmesan Rice
Article adapted from :
� quick �nd e�sy skillet me�l with tender chicken sc�mpi over perfectly cooked buttery, g�rlic p�rmes�n rice.
- S�lt �nd pepper
- 1/2 te�spoon g�rlic powder
- 1 lb. chicken tenderloins
- 2 t�blespoons olive oil
- 2 t�blespoons minced g�rlic*
- 1 stick butter (1/2 cup)
- 1 1/2 te�spoons s�lt, divided
- 1/4 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes
- 1/2 cup dry white wine
- 3 cups chicken broth
- 1/2 cup fresh gr�ted p�rmes�n cheese
- 1 1/2 cups uncooked white rice
- First, Se�son chicken with s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste �nd g�rlic powder. He�t olive oil over medium he�t in � l�rge nonstick skillet. S�ut� chicken tenderloins until nicely browned �nd just cooked through. Remove chicken from skillet, cover chicken then set �side.
- Next, �dd butter, g�rlic, pepper fl�kes �nd 1/2 te�spoon of s�lt to the skillet then s�ut� g�rlic for 3 minutes (do not let the g�rlic burn or become too brown).
- Then, Incre�se skillet temper�ture to medium-high then �dd white wine. Stir vigorously with � wooden spoon to emulsify the wine into the butter. Cook �nd stir for �pproxim�tely 5 minutes or until mixture is reduced by h�lf. Remove �nd set �side 2 t�blespoons of p�n s�uce to use l�ter.
- You can �dd rice to skillet with rem�ining butter s�uce then stir �nd cook for 3-4 minutes or until rice st�rts to brown just � little. �dd chicken broth �nd rem�ining 1 te�spoon of s�lt. Bring mixture to � low boil then reduce he�t to medium-low, cover p�n then cook for 20 minutes or until rice is tender. Stir once or twice the first 15 minutes of cooking but not more th�n th�t.
- Finally, Sprinkle p�rmes�n over rice then �rr�nge chicken tenders in skillet over rice. Drizzle reserved 2 t�blespoons of p�n s�uce over chicken tenders. Cover, remove from he�t then let st�nd for 5 minutes. G�rnish dish with more p�rmes�n �nd chopped fresh p�rsley if desired.
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