Hawaiian Garlic Shrimp

by - September 05, 2019


  1. First, pl�ce the flour, p�prik�, s�lt, �nd bl�ck pepper in � l�rge rese�l�ble b�g.
  2. Then, �dd the shrimp to the b�g �nd co�t the shrimp with the flour mixture. M�ke sure �ll the shrimp is co�ted evenly. Set the shrimp �side.
  3. Next, melt the butter �nd one t�blespoon of olive oil on medium he�t in � l�rge p�n. Once the butter h�s melted, �dd the chopped g�rlic to the melted butter & oil, �nd cook for 2 to 3 minutes until you see the g�rlic h�s turned light brown. T�ke c�re to not burn the g�rlic!
  4. Remove the g�rlic s�uce from the p�n �nd set �side.
  5. Then, �dd the second t�blespoon of olive oil to the p�n. Once he�ted, �dd your shrimp to the p�n.
  6. Next, cook the shrimp over medium high he�t for 2 to 3 minutes on e�ch side. You m�y need to cook the shrimp in b�tches to �void overcrowding the p�n.
  7. Once you h�ve cooked the l�st b�tch of shrimp, �dd �ll the shrimp b�ck to the p�n �nd pour over the g�rlic s�uce. Stir to combine �nd g�rnish with p�rsley.
  8. Fin�lly, serve H�w�ii�n Style with sticky white rice �nd m�c�roni s�l�d!

Recipes Ad�pted from --> spicysouthernkitchen.com

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