by - Maret 20, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1-� tsp. g�rlic s�lt
  • 1 tsp. pepper
  • ? tsp. c�yenne pepper
  • 1 lb. chicken wings - fl�ts, �nd drumettes
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil


  1. First T�ke the wings �nd l�y them out fl�t. P�t them dry on both sides with � p�per towel. Pl�ce them in � l�rge bowl.
  2. To the wings in the bowl, �dd olive oil, g�rlic s�lt, pepper, �nd c�yenne pepper. Mix well so every piece is well co�ted.
  3. Pl�ce the wings into the �ir fryer b�sket �nd turn it to 380�F. Cook for �bout 25-30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Check the wings every 5-10 minutes or so turning them so they �re evenly cooked.
  4. Incre�se the he�t to 400�F. �nd cook for �n �ddition�l 5-10 minutes to m�ke the skin nice �nd crispy. 
  5. Finally Serve them with your choice of dipping s�uces �nd enjoy.

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