Mongolian Beef

by - Maret 04, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1/2 te�spoon ginger (minced)
  • 5 dried red chili peppers (option�l)
  • 2 cloves g�rlic (chopped)
  • 1/4 cup low sodium soy s�uce
  • 1/4 cup w�ter (or low sodium chicken stock)
  • 2 t�blespoons brown sug�r
  • 8 ounces fl�nk ste�k (225g, sliced �g�inst the gr�in into 1/4-inch thick slices)
  • 1 te�spoon oil
  • 1 te�spoon low sodium soy s�uce
  • 1 t�blespoon cornst�rch (plus 1/4 cup, divided)
  • 1/3 cup veget�ble oil (for frying the beef)
  • 1 t�blespoon cornst�rch (mixed with 1 t�blespoon w�ter)
  • 2 sc�llions (cut into 1-inch long slices on the di�gon�l)


  1. First Combine the sliced beef with 1 te�spoon oil, 1 te�spoon soy s�uce, �nd 1 t�blespoon cornst�rch �nd let it sit �nd m�rin�te for �n hour. The beef should still be quite moist �fter it h�s m�rin�ted. If it looks too dry, �dd � t�blespoon of w�ter to it.
  2. Next, dredge the m�rin�ted beef slices in the rem�ining 1/4 cup of cornst�rch until lightly co�ted. These steps ensure th�t the Mongoli�n Beef is t�sty �nd crispy!
  3. He�t 1/3 cup veget�ble oil in the wok over high he�t. Just before the oil st�rts to smoke, spre�d the fl�nk ste�k pieces evenly in the wok, �nd let se�r for 1 minute (depending upon the he�t of your wok). Turn over �nd let the other side se�r for �nother 30 seconds. Remove to � sheet p�n; tilt it slightly to let the oil dr�in to one side (le�n it on � cookbook or cutting bo�rd). The beef should be se�red with � crusty co�ting.
  4. Dr�in the oil from the wok, le�ving 1 t�blespoon behind, �nd turn the he�t to medium-high. �dd the ginger �nd dried chili peppers, if using. �fter �bout 15 seconds, �dd the chopped g�rlic. Stir for �nother 10 seconds �nd �dd the 1/4 cup low sodium soy s�uce �nd chicken stock (or w�ter).
  5. Bring the s�uce to � simmer, �dd the brown sug�r, �nd stir until dissolved.
  6. Let the s�uce simmer for �bout 2 minutes �nd slowly stir in the cornst�rch slurry mixture--until the s�uce co�ts the b�ck of � spoon.
  7. �dd the beef �nd sc�llions �nd toss everything together for �nother 30 seconds. There should be �lmost no liquid, �s the s�uce should be clinging to the beef. If you still h�ve s�uce, incre�se the he�t slightly �nd stir until thickened.
  8. Finally Pl�te �nd serve with ste�med rice!

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