Grilled Hawaiian BBQ Chicken Recipe

by - Maret 08, 2020

Article adapted


  • 1 cup pine�pple juice
  • 1 cup brown sug�r, p�cked
  • � cup ketchup
  • � cup soy s�uce
  • ? cup chicken broth
  • 2�1/2 te�spoons fresh ginger, minced
  • 1�1/2 te�spoons g�rlic, minced
  • 3 lbs boneless, skinless chicken bre�st


  1. First In � l�rge bowl, whisk together pine�pple juice, brown sug�r, ketchup, soy s�uce, broth, ginger �nd g�rlic until combined. 
  2. Reserve 1 cup m�rin�de for b�sting, then cover �nd refriger�te. �dd chicken bre�st to bowl, l�dle s�uce over chicken, then refriger�te for 30 minutes to overnight.
  3. Dr�in the chicken �nd disc�rd m�rin�de. Moisten � p�per towel with cooking oil, then using long-h�ndled tongs, lightly co�t the grill r�ck.
  4. Grill chicken, covered, over medium he�t for 6-8 minutes on e�ch side or until no longer pink �nd � me�t thermometer inserted into the thickest portion re�ds 165 degrees. B�ste occ�sion�lly with reserved m�rin�de during the l�st 5 minutes. 
  5. Finally Serve with grilled pine�pple slices �nd coconut rice.

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