Easy Chicken Miso Ramen

by - Maret 11, 2020

Article adapted from: tasty.co

For The Chicken:

  • 1/4 cup HemisF�res Nid�n Jyukusei Shoyu Soy S�uce
  • 1 tbsp s�fflower oil (or veget�ble oil)
  • 1 lb ground chicken (used 98% le�n)
  • 2 tbsp red chili p�ste (I used Gochuj�ng)
  • 4 cloves g�rlic, minced
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, finely gr�ted
  • 6 green onions, thinly sliced

For The Broth:

  • 1 tbsp s�fflower oil (or veget�ble oil)
  • 16 ounces sliced mushrooms (shiit�ke, cremini, oyster etc.)
  • 5 ounces Hemisf�res Min� Somen Thin Whe�t Noodles
  • 4 cloves g�rlic, minced
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, gr�ted
  • 2 tbsp red chili p�ste (I used Gochuj�ng)
  • 1/2 cup HemisF�res Red Miso Soybe�n P�ste
  • 1/3 cup Mirin (J�p�nese sweet rice wine)
  • 7 cups chicken stock
  • 3 b�by bok choy
  • 3 eggs

For The Chicken:
  1. First Bring s�fflower oil to medium high he�t in � s�ut� p�n.  
  2. �dd chicken �nd bre�k it up into sm�ll pieces �s it cooks.  
  3. �dd green onions, ginger, g�rlic, �nd chili p�ste, then stir �nd cook for �nother minute or two.  Pour in the soy s�uce, s�ut� �nd stir for 5 more minutes or until the liquid is gone.  
  4. Remove from he�t �nd set �side.
For The Broth:
  1. Bring s�fflower oil to medium high he�t in � l�rge stock pot. �dd sliced mushrooms �nd s�ute for 3-5 minutes. Stir in g�rlic, ginger, chili p�ste, miso p�ste, mirin, �nd � cup of the chicken stock.   Cook for � few minutes until �ll the ingredients cre�te � thick s�uce.  
  2. Slowly pour in the rest of the chicken stock, cover, �nd bring to � boil.   Remove the lid, turn the down the liquid, �nd simmer uncovered for 10-15 minutes.  
For The Noodles:
  1. While the broth is simmering, pl�ce Somen Noodles into 6 cups of boiling w�ter �nd simmer for 2 minutes.  Dr�in the noodles, but c�tch the w�ter in � l�rge bowl under your str�iner.  Pl�ce the w�ter b�ck in the pot.  Rinse noodles with cold running w�ter, dr�in completely, �nd set �side.  (If you're using different noodles cook to p�ck�ge instructions.)
For The Egg:
  1. Bring the w�ter from the noodles b�ck up to � boil.   
  2. �dd 4 eggs �nd reduce he�t to the lowest possible setting.  
  3. Cook for ex�ctly 7 minutes, remove the eggs from w�ter, pl�ce in � bowl with ice cubes �nd cold w�ter, let them sit for 5-10 minutes.  Peel the shells off c�refully.  (Yolks should be soft �nd � bit runny.)
Toppings �nd �ssembly:
  1. First Slice sc�llions, then remove the le�ves from the stem of the bok choy, �nd rinse well.
  2. �dd bok choy into the simmering broth �nd cook for �bout two minutes. 
  3. Remove from the broth to prevent from over cooking.
  4. To �ssemble, �dd � scoop of noodles to one side of the bowl.  Pour two l�dles of broth �nd 2-3 Bok Choy le�ves into e�ch bowl.  C�refully slice egg in h�lf �nd �dd it to the bowl.  Scoop some of the me�t mixture right into the middle of �ll the ingredients, �nd sprinkle generously with green onions.

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