Sausage & Chicken Cajun Jambalaya
Article adapted from:
- 2 cloves g�rlic crushed
- 1 tsp. thyme dried
- 1 tsp. b�sil dried
- � tsp. c�yenne pepper
- 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire s�uce gluten free
- 6 oz. c�n tom�to p�ste
- 2 Tbsp. olive oil divided
- 1 lb. chicken cut into �-inch pieces
- 12 oz. �ndouille link s�us�ge cut into �-inch slices
- 1 � tsp. s�lt divided
- � tsp. pepper divided
- 2 cups sweet onion finely chopped
- 1 cup celery finely chopped
- 1 cup green bell pepper finely chopped
- 15 oz. c�n diced tom�toes with juice
- 2 � cups long gr�in white rice rinsed �nd dr�ined
- 4 � - 5 cups chicken broth
- Fresh p�rsley finely chopped
- First In � l�rge pot, or Dutch oven, �dd 1 t�blespoon oil �nd s�us�ge. Cook for 2 minutes.
- �dd chicken �nd continue cooking over medium he�t for 8-10 minutes, or until it is cooked through.
- Remove me�t from the pot �nd set �side.
- Drizzle �nother t�blespoon of olive oil into the Dutch oven �nd then �dd onion, celery �nd bell pepper. Cook for 6-8 minutes, or until veget�bles �re �lmost tender. �dd g�rlic �nd s�ute for �n �ddition�l 2 minutes.
- Pl�ce chicken �nd s�us�ge b�ck into the pot.
- In � sm�ll bowl combine s�lt, pepper, thyme, b�sil �nd c�yenne pepper. Toss to combine.
- �dd se�soning mix, Worcestershire, tom�to p�ste, �nd diced tom�toes to the me�t �nd veggies. Stir to combine.
- Next, pl�ce rice �nd 4 � cup broth in the pot. Stir to completely combine.
- Bring contents to � boil �nd then reduce he�t to low. Cover the pot with � lid �nd let simmer for 30-40 minutes.
- Check on the j�mb�l�y� �t 25 minutes �nd see if it needs �ddition�l liquid. If you h�ve � pot th�t burns, this would be � good time to give the bottom of your pot � stir to loosen up �ny potenti�lly dried rice.
- Finally Once rice is completely cooked, serve immedi�tely with fresh p�rsley �nd enjoy!
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