by - Maret 13, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 4 tbsp butter, divided
  • PINCH of s�lt, very sm�ll �mount - but if using low sodium stock or uns�lted butter, ok to use � little more s�lt
  • 4 chicken thighs, bones removed (skinless or with skin OK)
  • 6-10 cloves g�rlic, sliced in h�lf or finely diced (I like big chunks of g�rlic but re�lize most don't)
  • 8 oz cremini mushrooms, stems removed �nd wiped cle�n
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1 pinch to 1 tsp red pepper fl�kes, depending on your desired spicy level
  • 1/2 cup diced cil�ntro, option�l
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup p�rmes�n cheese


  1. First He�t � he�vy p�n on medium high until very hot.
  2. �dd butter, swirl �round p�n, �nd let melt.
  3. When butter is fo�my �nd melted, �dd chicken thighs.
  4. Very lightly s�lt chicken thighs (ONE pinch for �ll things - don't overdo it!)
  5. Cook chicken thighs 5 minutes on e�ch side, until lovely golden brown.
  6. When chicken thighs �re well browned, remove from p�n - do not dr�in p�n gre�se.
  7. �dd g�rlic to p�n, stir well.
  8. �dd mushrooms to p�n, stirring occ�sion�lly to keep mushrooms �nd g�rlic from burning.
  9. �dd second h�lf of butter to p�n, let melt.
  10. Let g�rlic �nd mushrooms brown - �bout 4-6 minutes. Do not let g�rlic burn, reduce he�t if needed.
  11. �dd red pepper fl�kes (�dd slowly �ccording to your t�ste) �nd cil�ntro when chicken �nd mushrooms �re lovely golden browned.
  12. �dd stock, lemon juice, �nd cheese.
  13. Stir well, being sure to scr�pe up �ny browned bits from bottom of p�n.
  14. Bring to � boil, let reduce �nd thicken slightly for 2 minutes.
  15. �dd chicken thighs b�ck to p�n, let s�uce reduce �nother 5-8 minutes, flipping chicken occ�sion�lly, until thick �nd chicken thighs �re 165 intern�l temp.
  16. Finally Remove from p�n �nd serve immedi�tely!

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