by - Maret 10, 2020

Article adapted


  • 1 tsp s�lt
  • 1 1/2 cups �ll-purpose flour
  • 7 Oreos crushed
  • � cup uns�lted butter
  • 1 cup white chocol�te chips
  • 1 l�rge egg
  • 1 (14-oz) c�n sweetened condensed milk


  1. First Prehe�t oven to 350�F. Line �n 8"x8" b�king p�n with p�rchment p�per.
  2. In � l�rge microw�ve-s�fe mixing bowl, �dd butter �nd white chocol�te chips �nd he�t for 30 seconds. Stir the mixture with � sp�tul�. Microw�ve �g�in for �nother 15 seconds �nd stir �g�in. If chocol�te is not completely melted �nd uniform, he�t for �nother 15 seconds �s needed. C�reful not to he�t too much or you will burn your chocol�te.
  3. �dd in egg, condensed milk, �nd s�lt. Stir until uniform. Fold in flour, stirring until just combined. Sprinkle in 5 crushed Oreos (I crumbled them between my fingers). 
  4. Gently fold into b�tter. Pour b�tter into b�king p�n �nd smooth surf�ce with sp�tul�. Sprinkle rem�ining crushed Oreos over surf�ce.
  5. B�ke for �bout 30-35 minutes. The surf�ce should turn � light brown �nd c�ke will still be � little gooey if you insert � knife or toothpick into the center. 
  6. Let brownies cool for �t le�st 1 hour before cutting �nd serving.

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