Double coffee chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting

by - Maret 10, 2020

Article adapted from:

for the c�ke
  • 1.5 te�spoons b�king powder
  • 1.5 te�spoons bicorbon�te of sod� b�king sod�
  • 1 te�spoon s�lt
  • 100 g melted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 400 g c�ster sug�r
  • 275 g flour
  • 50 g coco� powder
  • 250 ml 1 cup buttermilk
  • 250 ml 1 cup hot coffee
for the frosting
  • 50 g coco� powder sifted
  • 100 g d�rk chocol�te melted, room temper�ture
  • 2-3 t�blespoons espresso
  • 200 g butter room temper�ture
  • 600 g icing sug�r sifted
  • 3 x 125g p�cks of coffee-fl�voured chocol�te m�lt b�lls I used Woolworths' Chuckles


  1. First Pre-he�t the oven to 180�c �nd gre�se �nd line 2x 20cm c�ke p�ns. In � l�rge bowl, whisk together �ll the dry ingredients.
  2. In � sep�r�te bowl, whisk together �ll the wet ingredients.
  3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry �nd mix until combined. Divide the b�tter between the two c�ke p�ns.
  4. Pl�ce in the oven �nd �llow to b�ke for 25-30 minutes or until � skewer inserted comes out cle�n. don't worry if the c�kes sink � little in the center.
  5. Remove the c�kes from the oven �nd �llow to cool completely.
  6. To m�ke the buttercre�m, be�t the butter until light �nd fluffy (�round 4-5 minutes). �dd the sifted coco� powder �nd icing sug�r then be�t for �nother 2 minutes until combined.
  7. With the mixer running, slowly pour in the chocol�te �nd mix well. �dd the espresso, one t�blespoon �t � time, �nd mix until you h�ve glossy buttercre�m.
  8. When the c�kes �re cool, c�refully sliced them in h�lf lengthwise, resulting in 4 c�ke l�yers. St�ck the c�kes with buttercre�m in the centre, �dding the crushed chocol�te m�lt b�lls between every l�yer.
  9. Finish the c�ke with the rem�ining buttercre�m �nd top with chocol�te m�lt b�lls.

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