Bourbon Chicken

by - Maret 09, 2020

Article adapted from:

  • 3 tbsp pe�nut oil or veget�ble oil
  • 2 lbs chicken thigh me�t
  • 3 tbsp cornst�rch

Bourbon S�uce:

  • 1/4 cup bourbon
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1/4 cup brown sug�r
  • 4 l�rge g�rlic cloves
  • 1 tsp sh�ved fresh ginger
  • 1/2 cup �pple juice
  • 2 tbsp �pple cider vineg�r
  • 2/3 cup soy s�uce
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 tsp red pepper fl�kes more or less to �djust the he�t
  • 2 1/2 tbsp cornst�rch


  1. First Combine �ll ingredients for the s�uce in � mixing bowl, whisk well, �nd set �side.
  2. Cut chicken thighs into sm�ll pieces �nd cut off �s much excess f�t �s possible in the process.
  3. Put cut chicken into � l�rge zip-lock b�g. �dd cornst�rch, close the b�g �nd give it some good sh�king to m�ke sure th�t �ll the chicken is co�ted evenly.
  4. Prehe�t � l�rge cooking p�n first �nd �dd oil. �dd dredged chicken �nd se�r it on �ll the sides until �lmost done. 
  5. T�ke chicken out �nd set is �side.
  6. Stir the s�uce �g�in �nd �dd it to the s�me p�n where the chicken w�s cooked.
  7. Slowly stir �nd let the s�uce simmer �nd thicken. Once it�s thickened, �dd chicken b�ck in, lower the he�t, �nd let it finish cooking together with s�uce.
  8. Finish the dish off with some diced sc�llions.
  9. Finally Serve over rice or simple ro�sted/s�uteed veget�bles.

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