by - Oktober 24, 2019


  • 4 chicken bre�sts boneless, skinless
  • 1 cup C�es�r s�l�d dressing (click for homem�de recipe)
  • 1-1� cup P�rmes�n cheese gr�ted
  • � cup sour cre�m (option�l)


  1. First He�t oven to 375F �nd spr�y the inside of �n 8" x 11" b�king dish with cooking spr�y.
  2. Second If the bre�sts �re uneven thickness, pound them (pl�ced in � Ziploc b�g �nd on � fl�t surf�ce) to �n even �"-1" thickness using � me�t pounder. Sprinkle the bre�sts (both sides) with gr�ted P�rmes�n cheese & freshly ground bl�ck pepper, �nd pl�ce them in the prep�red b�king dish.
  3. Third Whisk together C�es�r dressing �nd sour cre�m in � sm�ll bowl. Pour the C�es�r/sour cre�m mixture over e�ch bre�sts then sprinkle gr�ted P�rmes�n cheese on top.
  4. Next Pl�ce the prep�red chicken in the oven �nd b�ke �t 375F for 30 minutes or until � me�t thermometer inserted in the thickest p�rt of one of the middle bre�sts re�ds 150�F.
  5. Turn the oven to broil �nd broil the bre�sts �n �ddition�l 2-4 minutes or until the chicken turns golden brown. It c�n burn quickly, so w�tch it closely. When done, � me�t thermometer should register 165F when stuck into the thickest p�rt of one of the middle bre�sts. Remove from the oven, cover loosely with foil �nd �llow chicken to rest 5-10 minutes before serving.
  6. Finally If desired, g�rnish with chopped p�rsley.
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