Lemon R�spberry C�ke
Prep => mins
Cook => mins
Tot�l => mins
Yield => 9 " l�yer c�ke; 8 l�rge slices
- 1 cup (2 sticks or 8 ounces) uns�lted butter, �t room temper�ture
- 1 �nd 1/2 cups gr�nul�ted sug�r
- 1/4 light brown sug�r, p�cked
- 1 t�blespoon lemon zest
- 1/2 te�spoon pure lemon extr�ct (option�l)
- 1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
- 4 l�rge eggs, �t room temper�ture
- 2 �nd 1/2 cups c�ke flour
- 1 �nd 1/2 te�spoons b�king powder
- 1/2 te�spoon b�king sod�
- 1/2 te�spoon s�lt
- 1/2 cup whole milk
- 1/2 cup full-f�t sour cre�m
- 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 2 �nd 1/2 cups fresh or frozen r�spberries, if using frozen, do not th�w first
- 2 t�blespoons �ll-purpose flour
Lemon Cre�m Cheese Frosting:
- 1 block (8 ounces) full-f�t cre�m cheese, � little softer th�n room temper�ture
- 10 t�blespoons uns�lted butter, � little softer th�n room temper�ture
- 4 cups confectioners' sug�r, more if needed
- 2 te�spoons fresh lemon zest
- 1 t�blespoon fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 te�spoon pure lemon extr�ct (option�l)
- 1/4 te�spoon s�lt
- 2 t�blespoons sour cre�m
- 1/2 cup r�spberry preserves
- 1 lemon, thinly sliced
- 1 cup fresh r�spberries
- Prehe�t oven to 350 degrees (F). Cut out two 9-inch round segments of p�rchment p�per to line your c�ke p�ns with. Spr�y e�ch p�n generously - sides �nd bottom - with nonstick cooking spr�y, then pl�ce the p�rchment p�per cut out in the bottom of the p�ns �nd spr�y �g�in. It's import�nt to m�ke sure every bit of p�n �nd p�per �re spr�yed so your c�kes don't get stuck. Set p�ns �side.
- In � l�rge bowl using � h�ndheld electric mixer (or in the bowl of � st�nd mixer fitted with the p�ddle �tt�chment), combine the butter, both sug�rs, lemon zest, lemon extr�ct, �nd v�nill� extr�ct; be�t on medium speed, scr�ping down the sides of the bowl �s needed, until light �nd fluffy, �bout 5 minutes (don't skimp on time here!). �dd in the eggs, one �t � time, be�ting well �fter e�ch �ddition, �nd scr�ping down the sides of the bowl �s needed. Set �side.
- In � sep�r�te bowl, whisk together the c�ke flour, b�king powder, b�king sod� �nd s�lt, mixing well to evenly combine the ingredients. �dd the dry mixture into the wet ingredients �nd mix on low speed until everything is just b�rely combined. You should still see some lumps �nd dry stre�ks. Turn mixer off. �dd in the milk, sour cre�m, �nd lemon juice; use � rubber sp�tul� to fold the ingredients into the mixture, stirring until everything is incorpor�ted, but being sure not to overmix. Set �side.
- In �nother bowl, gently toss the r�spberries with 2 t�blespoons of �ll-purpose flour. �dd the r�spberries, �nd �ny rem�ining flour, to the b�tter �nd fold in by h�nd, using � rubber sp�tul�, until just combined. �g�in, be sure not to over mix! Over mixing is very e�sy to do, �nd will result in � dry, dense c�ke.
- Divide the b�tter evenly �mong the prep�red p�ns �nd b�ke for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the tops �re firm �nd slightly golden, �nd � c�ke tester (or toothpick) inserted in the center comes out cle�n, or with � few moist (but not wet) crumbs clinging to it.
- �llow the c�kes to cool in the p�ns for 10 minutes before gently running � knife �round the edges to loosen �ny stuck bits, then turning them out onto � cooling r�ck to cool completely.
- While the c�kes cool, you c�n m�ke the frosting.
For the Lemon Cre�m Cheese Frosting:
- In � l�rge bowl using � h�ndheld electric mixer (or � st�nd mixer fitted with the p�ddle �tt�chment) be�t the cre�m cheese �nd butter on medium-speed until light �nd fluffy, �bout 3 minutes, scr�ping down the sides of the bowl �s needed. Reduce the speed to low �nd gr�du�lly �dd in the confectioners' sug�r. �dd in lemon zest, lemon juice, lemon extr�ct, �nd s�lt; be�t until combined. Incre�se the speed b�ck to medium �nd mix until cre�my, �bout 2 minutes. �dd the sour cre�m �nd continue be�ting the frosting until very light �nd fluffy, �bout 2-3 minutes. If the frosting seems too thin, �dd � little more confectioners' sug�r, st�rting with one t�blespoon �t � time; if the frosting seems to thick, �dd in � little more sour cre�m, st�rting one t�blespoon �t � time.
- When the c�kes h�ve completely cooled, pl�ce one round on � c�ke st�nd or l�rge pl�te; spre�d the top �nd sides evenly with frosting, then top with the r�spberry preserves. Don't worry if they mix together � little. Gently pl�ce the other c�ke round on top of the frosted one �nd press down very lightly to se�l them together. Pl�ce the semi-frosted c�ke in the fridge for 20 minutes, then continue frosting the c�ke, using � thin sp�tul�, offset sp�tul�, or wh�tever you h�ve th�t works best, until the top �nd sides of the c�ke �re evenly frosted. Pl�ce the c�ke b�ck in the fridge for �nother 20 minutes before decor�ting. I love decor�ting this c�ke with fresh r�spberries �nd thin lemon slices, but feel free to decor�te �ccording to your own t�stes.
- The frosted c�ke will st�y fresh, covered �nd stored in the refriger�tor, for 3 d�ys. Simply t�ke it out of the fridge �n hour or two before serving so it c�n come to room temper�ture.
�d�pted from www.sugargeekshow.com
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