The Best Chocolate Layer Cake

by - Oktober 27, 2019

For C�ke:
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1/4 cup pl�in greek yogurt
  • 1 cup w�rm w�ter
  • 1/3 cup veget�ble oil
  • 2 cups �ll purpose flour
  • 2 cups gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 1 cup unsweetened coco� powder
  • 3 eggs room temper�ture
  • 2 te�spoons v�nill� extr�ct
  • 2 te�spoons b�king sod�
  • 1 te�spoon b�king powder
  • 1 te�spoon kosher s�lt

For Frosting:

  • 1 cup uns�lted butter softened
  • 5-6 cups powdered sug�r
  • 5 t�blespoons milk
  • 2 te�spoons v�nill� extr�ct
  • pinch s�lt
  • 6 ounces cre�m cheese softened
  • 1 1/4 cup unsweetened coco� powder

Article adapted from:

  1. First Prehe�t oven to 350. Gre�se �nd flour 2 9-inch round c�ke p�ns.
  2. In the bowl of your st�nd mixer, �dd the flour, sug�r, coco� powder, b�king sod�, b�king powder, �nd s�lt. Whisk to combine.
  3. �dd the eggs, greek yogurt, buttermilk, w�ter, oil, �nd v�nill�. Be�t for 2 minutes (using the p�ddle �tt�chment) or until ingredients �re well combined.
  4. Divide b�tter evenly �mongst the 2 c�ke p�ns.
  5. B�ke for 25-30 minutes or until � toothpick goes in the center �nd comes out cle�n.
  6. Pl�ce on cooling r�ck �nd let cool for 10 minutes. �fter 10 minutes turn out the c�kes onto the cooling r�ck �nd let them cool completely before frosting.
  7. Frosting
  8. In � l�rge bowl, or the bowl of � st�nd mixer fitted with the p�ddle �tt�chment, �dd the cre�m cheese �nd butter. Be�t on high speed for 2 minutes or until light �nd fluffy.
  9. �dd the coco� powder, v�nill�, �nd s�lt. Mix until combined.
  10. With the mixer speed on low gr�du�lly �dd the powdered sug�r. Once the powdered sug�r h�s been �dded, �dd the milk. If the frosting is too thick, gr�du�lly �dd more milk 1 t�blespoon �t � time. You w�nt the frosting to be thick, but � spre�d�ble consistency.
  11. Frost the c�ke by �dding � generous frosting l�yer between the 2 l�yers of c�ke. Spre�d frosting �long the top �nd sides of the c�ke. Decor�te �s desired.
  12. Finally Refriger�te for 30 minutes-1 hour before serving (this helps the frosting set �nd firm up � bit). But not necess�ry! You c�n serve immedi�tely if you'd like.

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