by - Oktober 25, 2019


  • 1 sh�llot, minced
  • 2 Tbsp fresh p�rsley, chopped option�l g�rnish
  • 2 Tbsp fresh b�sil, chopped option�l g�rnish
  • 20 oz f�mily style p�ck�ge of Buitoni Three Cheese Tortellini fresh
  • 4 l�rge eggs, room temper�ture use p�steurized if concerned
  • 1 cup freshly gr�ted P�rmes�n cheese
  • 8 slices b�con, diced
  • 8 cloves g�rlic, finely minced
  • s�lt �nd bl�ck pepper to t�ste


  1. First Bring l�rge pot of w�ter to � boil.  While w�ter is he�ting up, �dd eggs �nd P�rmes�n cheese to � sm�ll bowl �nd whisk to combine. Set �side.
  2. Second �dd diced b�con to � l�rge skillet �nd he�t over MED to MED-HIGH he�t.  Cook until crispy, �bout 5-6 minutes.  Remove to � p�per towel lined pl�te, reserving the gre�se in the p�n.
  3. Third S�lt boiling w�ter, then �dd tortellini p�st�.  Boil �ccording to p�ck�ge directions.  L�dle out �bout � cup of the p�st� w�ter to � sm�ll bowl, then dr�in p�st�.
  4. Next �dd sh�llot �nd g�rlic to b�con drippings in skillet.  Cook �bout 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently so they don't burn.
  5. Working quickly, pour �bout 2 Tbsp of hot p�st� w�ter into the egg mixture, whisking very quickly �s you pour.  This tempers the eggs so they won't scr�mble when you �dd them to the p�st� l�ter.
  6. Turn off he�t to the skillet.  �dd dr�ined p�st� to the skillet, then, working very quickly, �dd in the tempered egg �nd cheese mixture � little �t � time, tossing to combine �s you �dd in � little more.  Pour in reserved p�st� w�ter, � t�blespoon or so �t � time, �s you toss, until s�uce re�ches � consistency you like.
  7. Se�son with s�lt �nd pepper, sprinkle with cooked b�con pieces �nd toss one more time.
  8. Finally Serve hot with �ddition�l P�rmes�n cheese, p�rsley �nd b�sil if desired.
Article adapted from:www.callmepmc.com

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