Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios Cups
Chocol�te Cheerios:
- 1 � cup Cheerios
- 1 cup semi-sweet chocol�te chips (or 6.5 oz. d�rk chocol�te-finely chopped)
- 2 T�blespoons coconut oil
- � cup pe�nut butter
- 3 T�blespoons org�nic coconut oil
- 1 � cup Cheerios
- 3 T�blespoons org�nic brown rice syrup
Article adapted from:theenglishkitchen
- First Spr�y 12 cup silicon muffin p�n with cooking spr�y �nd set �side.
- In � he�t proof bowl set over � p�n of simmering w�ter combine d�rk chocol�te �nd 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil. Stir until it�s completely melted �nd smooth. Remove from he�t �nd stir in Cheerios. (option�lly you c�n melt the chocol�te �nd coconut oil in the microw�ve or in � s�uce p�n over low he�t)
- In �nother he�th proof bowl over � p�n of simmering w�ter combine pe�nut butter, d�rk corn syrup �nd coconut oil. Stir until it�s completely melted �nd smooth. (option�lly you c�n melt pe�nut butter, rice syrup �nd coconut oil in the microw�ve or in � s�uce p�n over low he�t) Remove from he�t �nd stir in Cheerios.
- Cool both mixture to � room temper�ture stirring occ�sion�lly.
- To �ssemble the cups, �ltern�tely drop spoonful of chocol�te �nd pe�nut butter Cheerios in prep�red p�n. T�p the p�n onto working surf�ce to help the mixture to set.
- Finally Chill in the fridge or freezer until firm. Remove from the mold �nd store in �nd �ir-tight cont�iner in the fridge.
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