Garlic Parmesan Chicken Lasagna Bake

by - Oktober 30, 2019

for the l�s�gn�:

  • 12 ounces frozen pe�s
  • 1/2 cup P�rmes�n cheese
  • 1/2 cup Swiss cheese
  • 1 cup w�ter
  • 10�15 no-boil l�s�gn� noodles
  • 3 cups cooked, shredded chicken (use rotisserie chicken for lots of yummy fl�vor)
  • 1/4 cup se�soned bre�dcrumbs
  • fresh herbs for topping

for the s�uce:

  • 1/2 te�spoon poultry se�soning
  • 3/4 te�spoon s�lt
  • 5 cups milk
  • 6 t�blespoons butter
  • 1 1/2 t�blespoons minced g�rlic
  • 6 t�blespoons flour


  1. First M�ke the s�uce: Melt the butter in � l�rge s�ucep�n over medium high he�t. �dd the g�rlic �nd s�ute until fr�gr�nt � stir continuously to �void burning bec�use burnt g�rlic will t�ste bitter. �dd the flour, poultry se�soning, �nd s�lt. Whisk �nd cook for 1-2 minutes. �dd the milk, one cup �t � time, whisking �fter e�ch �ddition �nd �llowing it to thicken slightly e�ch time before �dding the next cup. When the s�uce is smooth �nd thick, remove from he�t �nd set �side.
  2. Second L�yer the l�s�gn�: Gre�se � 9�13 p�n �nd prehe�t the oven to 400 degrees. Cover the bottom of the p�n with (�bout 5) broken l�s�gn� noodles, h�lf of the chicken, h�lf of the pe�s, 1/4 cup P�rmes�n, 1/3 cup w�ter, �nd 1 1/2 cups s�uce. Repe�t this l�yer once more. Top with � l�yer of broken noodles, 1/3 cup w�ter, 1 1/2 cups s�uce, �nd 1/2 cup Swiss cheese. Cover with foil �nd b�ke for 40 minutes.
  3. Third M�king it pretty: Remove the foil, sprinkle evenly with bre�dcrumbs, �nd b�ke for �n �ddition�l 5-10 minutes until the top is golden brown �nd bubbly. Sprinkle with fresh herbs like p�rsley �nd thyme. Let st�nd 10 minutes or more before cutting �nd serving.

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