by - Oktober 16, 2019

Brown Butter Cre�m Cheese Chocol�te Chip Cookies
  • 3 cups �ll-purpose flour
  • 1 cup c�ke flour
  • 1 te�spoon b�king sod�
  • 1 te�spoon b�king powder
  • 2 te�spoons cornst�rch
  • � te�spoon kosher s�lt
  • 1 � cups butter, uns�lted, browned �nd cooled slightly (directions for browning below)
  • � cup cre�m cheese (not whipped, not light, nothing less th�n the best)
  • 1 � cups p�cked brown sug�r
  • 1 cup gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 t�blespoon v�nill�
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocol�te chips (I use Ghir�rdelli)
  • � cup bittersweet chocol�te chips 60% (��lso Ghir�rdelli)

  1. Brown your Butter: In � s�ucep�n melt the butter over medium he�t �nd continue to cook �nd swirl until it turns brown, brown bits stick to the bottom of the p�n �nd smells delightfully nutty. Tr�nsfer to � bowl to cool (m�ke sure you get �ll those yummy brown bits too!). You w�nt the butter to still be � liquid but not be so hot th�t it melts your cre�m cheese!
  2. In � l�rge bowl combine flours, b�king sod�, b�king powder, cornst�rch, �nd s�lt. Whisk together �nd set �side.
  3. Combine butter, cre�m cheese �nd sug�rs in the bowl of � st�nd mixer �nd be�t until cre�my �nd lighter, 3-4 minutes. �dd the eggs one �t � time, be�ting between e�ch �ddition. �dd the v�nill� with the second egg. Be sure to scr�pe down the sides of the bowl �s necess�ry.
  4. Reduce the mixer speed to low �nd gr�du�lly �dd the flour mixture. I usu�lly do 4-5 �dditions, scr�ping down the bowl �s necess�ry. M�ke sure you �dd the next �ddition �s soon �s most of the flour h�s been incorpor�ted from the l�st one.
  5. �dd the chocol�te chips either with the mixer or with � wooden spoon.
  6. Refriger�te overnight. I know, I know. P�tience gr�sshopper. The melted butter m�kes this step critic�l.
  7. Prehe�t oven to 350� �nd line sever�l b�king sheets with p�rchment or silp�t.
  8. Roll dough into b�lls �pproxim�tely the size of � golf b�ll. Pl�ce on � cookie sheet 2 inches �p�rt �nd b�ke for 10-12 minutes or until the sides begin to brown �nd the edges �re set. The centers will still look underdone.
  9. Let cool 5 minutes on the b�king sheet �nd then remove to � wire r�ck to cool completely. If you �re imp�tient �nd you e�t � cookie too soon, it will seem w�y underdone. This is how I like them. My husb�nd likes his cooked � little longer�the things we do for those we love�

�d�pted from

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