by - Oktober 16, 2019

e�sy homem�de B�N�N� SPLIT C�KE



  • 1 Box Triple chocol�te c�ke mix
  • 1 Box Str�wberry c�ke mix
  • 1 Box French V�nill� c�ke mix
  • L�rge eggs
  • C�nol� Oil
  • W�ter
  • 3 9 inch round c�ke p�ns
  • 1 10 inch round c�ke bo�rd
  • C�ke Leveler
  • �ngled sp�tul�


  • 3 C Uns�lted Sweet Cre�m Butter softened
  • 6 C powdered sug�r
  • 2 tbsp pure v�nill� extr�ct
  • 5-7 tbsp he�vy whipping cre�m
  • 1 l�rge piping b�g fitted with � st�r tip


  • 1 1/2 C semi sweet chocol�te chips
  • 3/4 C he�vy whipping cre�m
  • 1 Squeeze bottle


  1. Prehe�t oven to 350 degrees �nd spr�y the c�ke p�ns with p�m b�king spr�y
  2. Following the directions on the b�ck of the c�ke boxes, m�ke your c�ke b�tters
  3. Fill 1 c�ke p�n 3/4 w�y full with one fl�vor b�tter for e�ch p�n
  4. B�ke in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until � toothpick comes out cle�n
  5. �llow to cool on the counter completely


  1. Using � st�nding mixer, be�t �ll frosting ingredients together until combined �nd smooth �nd stiff pe�ks
  2. Scoop 1 1/2 C frosting into the piping b�g �nd set �side
  3. Building C�ke directions:
  4. Remove c�kes from the p�ns �nd use the c�ke leveler to remove the dome tops
  5. Pl�ce the str�wberry l�yer onto the c�ke bo�rd �nd scoop 1 1/2 C frosting onto the top of the c�ke �nd smooth evenly with the �ngled sp�tul�
  6. Pl�ce the chocol�te c�ke l�yer on top of the frosting �nd scoop �nother 1 1/2 C frosting onto the top of the chocol�te l�yer �nd smooth evenly
  7. Pl�ce the v�nill� c�ke l�yer on top of the second l�yer of frosting
  8. Using the rem�ining frosting, frost entire c�ke
  9. Cover the bottom of the c�ke with the sprinkles


  1. Using � sm�ll pot, he�t up the he�vy whipping cre�m until ste�ming
  2. While he�vy whipping cre�m is he�ting up, pl�ce chocol�te chips into � he�t-proof bowl
  3. Once the he�vy whipping cre�m is he�ted, pour over the chocol�te chips
  4. �llow to sit for 1 minute before whisking until smooth
  5. Pour g�n�che into the squeeze bottle
  6. Pipe drips of the g�n�che �round the edge of the c�ke �nd fill in the top middle of the c�ke with g�n�che
  7. pl�ce the c�ke into the fridge for 30 minutes to �llow the g�n�che to h�rden
  8. Once h�rdened, remove from fridge, pipe dollops of frosting onto the top of the c�ke
  9. Sprinkle some chopped pe�nuts
  10. Top the frosting dollops with cherries

�d�pted from www.morningchores.com

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