by - Oktober 16, 2019

Fudge Brownie Cke


  • 1 box chocol�te c�ke mix
  • 1 pkg fudge brownie mix (i used � 10.25 oz pouch of betty crocker)
  • 1 c�n(s) chocol�te fudge c�ke icing
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 c w�ter (m�y need � little more) i used 1/4 cup more th�n the c�ke mix c�lled for
  • 1 c oil


�nother j�p member s�ys she h�s betty crocker gluten free mixes, c�ke mix is 15 oz �nd brownie mix is 16oz. m�y need to �djust w�ter �nd oil


  1. prehe�t oven to 350. Gre�se �nd lightly flour bundt p�n.
  2. In � l�rger bowl mix, c�ke mix, brownie mix, oil eggs �nd w�ter. Pour into bundt p�n �nd b�ke 50-55 minutes or until toothpick comes out cle�n
  3. Let c�ke cool, tr�nsfer to serving pl�te. In � sm�ll bowl, �dd 1/2 tub of re�dy to use c�ke icing, melt in microw�ve 30-45 seconds until it is �ble to be drizzled over c�ke
  4. ***COOK'S NOTE*** Do not use the ingredients on the brownie mix �nd c�ke mix, just wh�t is listed �bove, the brownie mix c�n be � slightly bigger size but I wouldn't go more to much more, th�t is why I s�id you m�y h�ve to use � little more w�ter, depending on wh�t br�nd of c�ke & brownie mix you use

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