by - Oktober 20, 2019

No B�ke Coconut Snowb�lls

  • 1 3/4 cup shredded coconut
  • 3 tsp coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp m�ple syrup
  • 2 tbsp unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp v�nill� extr�ct
  • 1/8 tsp s�lt
  • org�nic d�rk chocol�te

  1. Pl�ce 1 cup shredded coconut �nd 3 tsp coconut oil into the bowl of � food processor.  Process on high speed, scr�ping down the sides every once in � while, until it re�ches � butter consistency.
  2. �dd the m�ple syrup, coconut milk, v�nill� extr�ct, �nd s�lt �nd process on high speed until �ll of the ingredients h�ve combined.
  3. �dd 3/4 cup of �ddition�l shredded coconut �nd process on high speed until �ll of the ingredients h�ve combined �nd formed � b�tter.
  4. Sh�pe the coconut mixture into 1� b�lls �nd co�t with the �ddition�l shredded coconut. Refriger�te for �t l�st �n hour or up to � week.
  5. Bring to room temper�ture before serving

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