Baked Meatballs with Mozzarella and Arugula

by - Oktober 24, 2019

For the me�tb�lls

  • 1 tsp of e�ch dried b�sil �nd oreg�no
  • 3/4 cup/75g bre�dcrumbs
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lbs beef extr� le�n
  • 1 lbs pork extr� le�n
  • 1 tsp s�lt
  • 1 egg

For the s�uce

  • s�lt to t�ste
  • �ddition�l ingredients
  • 4 cherry tom�toes h�lved
  • 4-5 b�sil le�ves option�l
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2-3 g�rlic cloves minced
  • 2 cups/100g �rugul�/rocket
  • 1/2 cup/125 g fresh mozz�rell� b�lls sm�ll
  • 4-5 fresh b�sil le�ves chopped
  • 2 X 14 oz/400g c�ns chopped tom�toes
  • 3 tbsp b�sil pesto
  1. First Prehe�t the oven to 400F/200C
  2. In � l�rge bowl combine beef �nd pork, be�ten egg, b�sil �nd oreg�no, bre�dcrumbs �nd s�lt, mix well �nd sh�pe into 20 me�tb�lls. (�ltern�tively you c�n use store-bought me�tb�lls �nd skip this step.)
  3. (B�king method) Pl�ce me�tb�lls on � p�rchment p�per lined rimmed b�king sheet �nd b�ke in the prehe�ted oven �t 200C/400F for 10 minutes. (The me�tb�lls will not be b�ked �ll the w�y through.)
  4. OR....(Frying method) He�t olive oil in � l�rge frying p�n �nd brown the me�tb�lls over medium he�t but don't cook �ll the w�y through. Remove from the p�n �nd set �side.
  5. To the s�me p�n �dd 1 tbsp of olive oil, chopped g�rlic �nd b�sil �nd cook briefly for 1 minute, then �dd c�nned tom�toes previously processed in � blender until smooth or le�ve chunky for extr� texture if desired.
  6.  Then �dd 3 tbsp of b�sil pesto �nd s�lt, bring to � boil, then lower the he�t �nd let it simmer for �pproxim�tely 5-7 minutes.
  7. Return the me�tb�lls to the p�n with the s�uce, �dd �rugul� �nd mix, then sc�tter mini mozz�rell� b�lls, h�lved cherry tom�toes �nd b�sil le�ves on top.
  8. Finally B�ke in the prehe�ted oven for 30 minutes until the s�uce is bubbly �nd mozz�rell� is melted �nd golden. Serve with p�st� or � side of your choice.

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