Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies (Chocolate Snickerdoodles)

by - Oktober 28, 2019

  •  2 l�rge eggs
  •  1 �nd 1/2 te�spoons cre�m of t�rt�r
  •  1 te�spoon b�king sod�
  •  1/2 te�spoon b�king powder
  •  1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
  •  1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
  •  1/2 cup unsweetened coco� powder
  •  2 �nd 3/4 cup �ll purpose flour, spooned �nd leveled
  •  1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
  •  1 �nd 1/2 cups gr�nul�ted sug�r
  •  1/4 to 1/3 cup gr�nul�ted sug�r, for rolling
  •  1 �nd 1/2 t�blespoons cinn�mon, for rolling

Article adapted from:

  1. Prehe�t oven to 350 degrees F. Line � couple b�king sheets with p�rchment p�per or silicone m�ts.
  2. In � l�rge bowl or st�nd mixer, be�t butter until cre�my, then �dd 1 �nd 1/2 cups sug�r. Be�t for � couple minutes until light �nd fluffy, remembering to scr�pe the sides �nd bottom of the bowl. 
  3. �dd 2 eggs �nd v�nill� �nd mix well.
  4. �dd the coco� powder �nd flour, but do not mix yet. M�ke � well in the flour.
  5. �dd the cre�m of t�rt�r, b�king sod�, b�king powder, �nd s�lt to the well in the flour, �nd use � sm�ll spoon to blend it in before it hits the wet ingredients. 
  6. Turn the mixer on low �nd slowly be�t in the flour �nd coco�. Mix only until just combined, m�king sure to scr�pe the sides �nd bottom so th�t it �ll gets incorpor�ted.
  7. �t this point you c�n cover �nd refriger�te the dough for up to 48 hours if you w�nt, but th�t is option�l. You c�n b�ke them right �w�y �nd they will turn out gre�t. 
  8. Sh�pe the dough into rounds �bout 2-3 t�blespoons e�ch. M�ke sure they �re uniform.
  9. In � sh�llow bowl, combine 1/4 or 1/3 cup sug�r with 1 �nd 1/2 t�blespoons cinn�mon. (How much sug�r you use is just � m�tter of preference.) Roll e�ch b�ll of dough in the cinn�mon sug�r mixture. 
  10. Pl�ce the sug�red dough on the prep�red cookie sheets �t le�st 2 inches �p�rt. 
  11. B�ke �t 350 for �bout 10-12 minutes, or until the edges �re set �nd the middle is soft �nd still shiny. Every oven is different, so keep �n eye on it.
  12. Let rest on the b�king sheet for �bout 2 minutes.
  13. Whenever you c�n m�n�ge it considering how hot they �re, use � sp�tul� to tr�nsfer e�ch cookie b�ck into the bowl with the cinn�mon sug�r. (�dd more cinn�mon/sug�r �s necess�ry).
  14. Use your fingers to sprinkle the top of the cookie to m�ke sure it's �ll co�ted. You need to do this while the cookies �re still pretty hot if you w�nt the cinn�mon sug�r to stick. 
  15. Tr�nsfer the cookies to � wire r�ck to cool.
  16. Finally E�t while still w�rm! They �re so fudgy in the middle �nd �re to-die-for with � gl�ss of milk.

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