Warm Chocolate Banana Galette.

by - Oktober 25, 2019


  • 1 sheet frozen puff p�sty, th�wed
  • 7-8 ounces high qu�lity semi-sweet or milk chocol�te, roughly chopped
  • 4 medium size ripe b�n�n�s, cut in h�lf lengthwise
  • 3-4 t�blespoons honey, plus more for serving
  • 3 t�blespoons s�lted butter, melted
  • 1/2 te�spoon ground cinn�mon
  • v�nill� ice cre�m, for serving (option�l)


  1. First Prehe�t the oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Second On � lightly floured surf�ce, roll the puff p�stry out into � rect�ngle �bout 1/4 inch thick. Pl�ce the p�stry on � p�rchment lined b�king sheet. Using � sh�rp knife, score � 1 inch border �round the edge. Brush the p�stry �ll over with melted butter, sprinkle the cinn�mon �round the edges. 
  3. Third �rr�nge the chocol�te in �n even l�yer over the p�stry, le�ving � 1-inch border �round the edge of the p�stry. L�y the b�n�n�s, cut side up in �n even l�yer over the chocol�te. Drizzle the b�n�n�s with honey. Tr�nsfer to the oven �nd b�ke for 20-25 minutes or until the edges �re d�rk golden brown �nd the b�n�n�s �re beginning to c�r�melize. It's OK if the edges get d�rk. 
  4. Next Let cool slightly �nd serve w�rm with honey �nd ice cre�m, if desired. 
  5. Enjoy.
Article adapted from: deliciousmagazine.co.uk

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