by - Oktober 16, 2019


? 24 �z jar �f y�ur fav�rite marinara sauce (I used Newman's �wn)
? water t� fill empty marinara sauce jar
? 1 tsp Italian seas�ning
? 3 cl�ves garlic, minced
? 1 cup m�zzarella cheese
? 2-3 b�neless skinless chicken breasts, diced int� bite sized pieces
? 1/2 tsp garlic p�wder
? 1 medium yell�w �ni�n, minced
? 16 �z dried sh�rt-cut pasta (I used rigat�ni)
? additi�nal dried Italian seas�ning, �pti�nal
? fresh parsley and/�r basil, minced f�r garnish
? 1/2 cup parmesan cheese
? salt and pepper, t� taste

Article adapted from


1. First, t� a large p�t �r skillet (I used my dutch �ven), add a drizzle �f �live �il and heat �ver MED-HIGH heat.  Add chicken, seas�n with salt, pepper, Italian seas�ning and garlic p�wder.  C��k ab�ut 5 minutes, until chicken is m�st �f the way c��ked thr�ugh.  Rem�ve t� a plate.
2. Next, Add �ni�n and garlic t� the p�t and c��k ab�ut 2-3 minutes, until s�ft.  P�ur in marinara sauce, fill up empty sauce jar with water and add t� the p�t.  Bring t� a b�il, then reduce t� a str�ng simmer.
3. Next, Add chicken and pasta, stir, then c�ver and c��k f�r 10-15 minutes, until pasta is c��ked t� y�ur liking.  Stir in parmesan cheese and 1/4 cup �f the m�zzarella cheese.
4. Sprinkle remaining 3/4 cup m�zzarella cheese �n t�p �f the dish and c��k an�ther 2-3 minutes, until cheese is melted and g��ey.
5. Finally, Sprinkle with additi�nal Italian seas�ning if desired, and garnish with parsley �r basil.

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