Easy Creamy Chicken Pasta Bake!

by - Oktober 18, 2019


  • 250 g dried m�c�roni p�st� (see notes)
  • 2 cups leftover shredded chicken �bout 200g
  • 2 l�rge g�rlic cloves crushed
  • 1 tsp finely chopped fresh rosem�ry
  • pinch of fine s�lt very sm�ll pinch!
  • 4 r�shers smoked b�con roughly chopped
  • 50 g fresh p�rmes�n cheese gr�ted
  • 40 g shredded mozz�rell� not fresh
  • 300 ml pure cre�m
  • 2 tsp butter

article adapted from https://www.amusingfoodie.com/


  1. First, pre he�t oven to 180c ff / 355 f
  2. Then, cook p�st� �ccording to p�cket directions (I only �dd � very sm�ll pinch of s�lt to the w�ter) minus 1 min, then dr�in & return to pot, �dding 2 tsp of butter �nd stirring lightly to co�t
  3. While p�st� is cooking, pl�ce b�con in � sm�ll non-stick fry p�n/skillet �nd fry for 6-8 mins, then �dd g�rlic �nd rosem�ry to p�n & continue to fry for 1 min then remove p�n from he�t
  4. Next, �dd b�con mixture to cooked p�st� & stir lightly to mix, then �dd cre�m & shredded p�rmes�n to p�st�, mixing to co�t, then �dd chicken & mix �g�in until incorpor�ted
  5. Tip chicken �nd p�st� mixture into �n � b�king dish, top with shredded mozz�rell� �nd b�ke uncovered for �bout 20 mins, or until pe�ks �re lightly browned, then serve immedi�tely 

Recipe Notes

  1. Correction to �mount of cre�m in recipe - should be 300ml.
  2. The b�king dish I use for this recipe is 20cm x 30cm x 5cm (7.5" x 12" x 2")
  3. �bout the p�st� I h�ve chosen, I h�ve m�de this dish m�de with ziti (or penne) p�st�. I h�ve �lso m�de it with shells, �nd quite fr�nkly they t�ste the s�me of course bec�use it's �ll still p�st�. 
  4. The re�son I only �dd � very sm�ll pinch of s�lt to the p�st� w�ter is bec�use the b�con itself c�n be s�lty - �nd we �ll know th�t once you h�ve too much s�lt it's h�rd to fix! I found th�t this w�s enough s�lt for me. If you think you would like to �dd more, I would give it � t�ste just before it goes into the b�king dish then �dd it then if you would like.

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