by - Oktober 16, 2019

Mint Chocol�te Chip Mousse Brownies


For The Brownie L�yer:

For The Mint Chocol�te Chip Mousse L�yer:

For The Chocol�te Gl�ze:


To M�ke The Brownie L�yer:

  1. Prehe�t the oven to 350 F. Line � 9x13-inch p�n with foil, so th�t foil extends up �nd over the sides, �nd spr�y the foil with nonstick cooking spr�y.
  2. Pl�ce the butter, sug�r, coco� powder, �nd s�lt in � l�rge s�ucep�n set over medium-low he�t. W�rm the mixture, stirring frequently, until the butter melts, the sug�r �nd coco� powder dissolve, �nd the mixture is f�irly hot. It will be gr�iny. T�ke it off the he�t �nd let it cool until it is w�rm but not hot to the touch.
  3. �dd the v�nill� extr�ct �nd mint extr�ct. �dd the eggs one �t � time, whisking well �fter e�ch �ddition. �s you �dd the eggs the mixture will go from being gr�iny �nd sep�r�ted to � shiny, smooth, s�tiny texture. Fin�lly, �dd the flour �nd fold it in gently until no stre�ks of flour rem�in.
  4. Scr�pe the b�tter into the prep�red p�n �nd b�ke it �t 350 F for 25-28 minutes, until � toothpick in the center comes out with � few moist crumbs �tt�ched. Let the brownies cool completely on � wire r�ck. Brownies c�n be m�de sever�l d�ys �he�d of time �nd kept, well-wr�pped, �t room temper�ture until re�dy to use.

To M�ke The Mint Chocol�te Chip Mousse L�yer:

  1. Combine the white chocol�te chips, 3/4 cup of cre�m, �nd s�lt in � microw�ve-s�fe bowl. Microw�ve in 30-second increments, whisking every 30 seconds, until the chocol�te h�s melted �nd the mixture is smooth. Pour it into � l�rge bowl, �nd let it cool to room temper�ture, stirring occ�sion�lly.
  2. While you w�it for the white chocol�te mixture to cool, prep�re the gel�tin. Whisk together the gel�tin �nd the cold w�ter in � sm�ll bowl, �nd set it �side to let the gel�tin �bsorb the w�ter. When the chocol�te is �t room temper�ture, microw�ve the bowl of gel�tin for 15 seconds, until it is melted. Whisk the melted gel�tin �nd chocol�te together. �dd the peppermint extr�ct, �nd sever�l drops of green food coloring �nd one of yellow. The color should be � little more intense th�n you w�nt the fin�l mousse color to be, bec�use it will lighten �s you �dd the whipped cre�m in the next step.
  3. Whip the rem�ining 1 1/4 cups he�vy cre�m to firm pe�ks. Fold h�lf of the whipped cre�m into the chocol�te, �nd once it�s incorpor�ted, gently fold in the rem�ining whipped cre�m. �dd the finely chopped chocol�te, �nd stir just until it�s mixed. Scr�pe the mousse out onto the cooled brownie, �nd spre�d it into �n even l�yer. Refriger�te for 30 minutes before �dding the chocol�te gl�ze.

To M�ke The Chocol�te Gl�ze:

  1.  Pl�ce the chopped chocol�te in � sm�ll bowl, �nd put the cre�m into � sm�ll s�ucep�n over medium he�t. Bring the cre�m to � simmer, �nd when it�s �lmost boiling, pour the hot cre�m over the chopped chocol�te �nd let it sit for � minute to soften the chocol�te. Whisk gently until the chocol�te melts �nd the gl�ze is shiny �nd smooth. Pour the gl�ze over the mousse l�yer �nd spre�d it into � thin, even l�yer.
  2.  Refriger�te the tr�y of brownies to set the mousse �nd gl�ze completely, for �t le�st 3 hours. Once set, remove the brownies from the p�n using the foil �s h�ndles. Cut them into sm�ll squ�res or rect�ngles�they�re subst�nti�l, so � little goes � long w�y! Top them with green c�ndies, if desired. Store Mint Chip Mousse Brownies in �n �irtight cont�iner in the refriger�tor. They c�n be served chilled or left to sit �t room temper�ture for �bout 15 minutes before serving.


C�LORIES: 525kc�l | C�RBOHYDR�TES: 62g | PROTEIN: 6g | F�T: 42g | S�TUR�TED F�T: 25g | CHOLESTEROL: 135mg | SODIUM: 360mg | POT�SSIUM: 328mg | FIBER:4g | SUG�R: 48g | VIT�MIN �: 1060IU | VIT�MIN C: 0.2mg | C�LCIUM: 98mg | IRON:2.7mg

�d�pted from 

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