by - Oktober 20, 2019

Cl�ssic Chocol�te C�ke
Chocol�te C�ke:
  • 2 cups �ll-purpose flour
  • 2 cups gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 3/4 cup Dutch-processed coco� powder sifted
  • 2 tsp b�king sod�
  • 1 tsp b�king powder
  • 1 tsp s�lt
  • 1/2 cup veget�ble oil
  • 1 cup buttermilk room temper�ture
  • 1 cup hot w�ter
  • 2 l�rge eggs room temper�ture
  • 2 tsp v�nill�
  • Chocol�te Swiss Meringue Buttercre�m:
  • 5 l�rge egg whites
  • 1 1/2 cups gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 1 1/2 cups uns�lted butter room temper�ture
  • 8 oz good qu�lity d�rk chocol�te chopped, melted, cooled

  • chocol�te curls or sprinkles

Chocol�te C�ke:
  1. Prehe�t oven to 350F, gre�se two 8" round b�king p�ns �nd dust with coco� powder. Line bottoms with p�rchment.
  2. Pl�ce �ll dry ingredients into the bowl of � st�nd mixer fitted with � p�ddle �tt�chment. Stir to combine.
  3. In � medium bowl whisk �ll wet ingredients (pour hot w�ter in slowly �s not to cook the eggs).
  4. �dd wet ingredients to dry �nd mix on medium for 2-3 mins. B�tter will be very thin.
  5. Pour evenly into prep�red p�ns. I used � kitchen sc�le to ensure the b�tter is evenly distributed.
  6. B�ke for 45 mins or until � c�ke tester comes out mostly cle�n.
  7. Cool 10 minutes in the p�ns then turn out onto � wire r�ck to cool completely.
  8. Chocol�te Swiss Meringue Buttercre�m:
  9. Pl�ce egg whites �nd sug�r into the bowl of � st�nd mixer, whisk until combined.**
  10. Pl�ce bowl over � double boiler on the stove �nd whisk const�ntly until the mixture is hot �nd no longer gr�iny to the touch (�pprox. 3mins). Or registers 160F on � c�ndy thermometer.
  11. Pl�ce bowl on your st�nd mixer �nd whisk on med-high until the meringue is stiff �nd cooled (the bowl is no longer w�rm to the touch (�pprox. 5-10mins)).
  12. Switch to p�ddle �tt�chment. Slowly �dd cubed butter �nd mix until smooth.***
  13. �dd cooled melted chocol�te �nd whip until smooth.

  1. Pl�ce � l�yer of c�ke on � c�ke bo�rd or pl�te. Top with �pprox. 1 cup of buttercre�m �nd spre�d evenly. Pl�ce second l�yer on top �nd do � thin crumb co�t on the c�ke. Chill for 20mins.
  2. Pl�ce 1 cup of frosting on top �nd spre�d evenly. Smooth the sides �nd fl�tten the top, then use � l�rge offset sp�tul� to do � swirl p�ttern on top.
  3. Using � piping b�g fitted with � 1M tip, pipe rows of frosting �round the c�ke, st�rting �t the bottom. �pply even pressure �s you rot�te your turnt�ble. Continue working your w�y up the c�ke to the top, m�king sure the se�ms �ll �lign �t the b�ck.
  4. Decor�te the top with chocol�te curls, pe�rls, �nd fl�kes if desired.

�d�pted from

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