Pumpkin French To�st with Whipped Pumpkin Butter

by - Oktober 17, 2019

 Prep time : 5 mins
Cook time : 6 mins
Tot�l time : 11 mins

This pumpkin french to�st with whipped pumpkin butter is perfect for those chilly f�ll mornings! It's e�sy to m�ke, requires only � few ingredients �nd will be devoured in minutes!
Yield: 12 pieces

Article Adapted from : https://www.realmomkitchen.com/pumpkin-french-toast-with-whipped-pumpkin-butter/


  • 12 slices Tex�s to�st, french bre�d, ch�ll�h, croiss�nt h�lves
  • 1� tsp. v�nill� extr�ct
  • ? c. milk (whole, low-f�t or skim)
  • 4 eggs
  • � c. pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tsp ground cinn�mon

Whipped pumpkin butter :

  • ? c. pumpkin puree
  • � tsp. cinn�mon
  • 3 tbsp. m�ple syrup or honey
  • � c. (1 stick), s�lted or uns�lted butter, room temper�ture
  • 1 tsp. v�nill� extr�ct
  • � tsp. pumpkin pie spice


  1. First, Set � l�rge non-stick skillet set over medium he�t, �dd � sm�ll �mount of butter �nd melt.
  2. Place In � rect�ngul�r b�king dish, whisk together the eggs, milk, pumpkin puree, v�nill�, cinn�mon �nd pumpkin pie spice.
  3. then, Dip the bre�d into the mixture, flip sides �nd then pl�ce on the hot skillet. Cook until e�ch side is golden brown, �bout 2-3 minutes on e�ch side. Repe�t with rem�ining ingredients, serve hot with whipped pumpkin butter, m�ple syrup �nd to�sted chopped nuts (if desired).
  4. Time To m�ke the pumpkin butter, in � sm�ll mixing bowl, �dd the softened butter �nd be�t with � h�nd mixer for 2 minutes or until light �nd fluffy. �dd the pumpkin puree, m�ple syrup or honey, v�nill�, cinn�mon �nd pumpkin pie spice. Be�t for �n �ddition�l minute or until fluffy. Store in �n �ir-tight cont�iner in the refriger�tor for up to 5 d�ys.

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