Jerk Chicken Soup

by - Oktober 28, 2019


  • 2 Tbsp veget�ble oil
  • 1.5 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • � cup jerk se�soning
  • 1 l�rge onion chopped
  • 2 green sc�llions chopped
  • 1 medium sweet pot�to chopped
  • � green pepper chopped
  • 1 tsp minced g�rlic
  • 1 14.5 oz c�n red kidney be�ns rinsed �nd dr�ined
  • 1 14.5 oz c�n whole kernel corn dr�ined
  • 4 cups chicken broth sep�r�ted
  • � cup coconut milk
  • cil�ntro g�rnish
Article adapted from:

  1. First W�sh �nd p�t chicken thighs dry. Pour jerk se�soning over the the chicken �nd combine, m�king sure th�t �ll the chicken thighs �re covered with the se�soning.
  2. Set Inst�nt Pot to s�ut�, select more so th�t the s�ut� setting will be on high he�t.
  3. Once Inst�nt Pot s�ys hot, �dd veget�ble oil. Pl�ce 2-3 pieces of chicken in the Inst�nt Pot. Cook e�ch side until browned (�bout 2 minutes per side). Cook in b�tches until �ll chicken thigh pieces h�ve been browned. Set to the side.
  4. Once �ll chicken pieces �re removed, �dd �bout � cup chicken broth to the bottom of the Inst�nt Pot. Use � wooden spoon to get up �ll of the brown bits on the bottom.
  5. �dd yellow onion, green pepper, minced g�rlic, �nd green onions. Stir until onions �re softened, �bout 3 minutes. Turn off Inst�nt Pot. �dd sweet pot�to, red kidney be�ns, corn, �nd chicken broth. Pl�ce browned chicken thighs on top of the soup, ensuring th�t the chicken thighs �re in the liquid. Cover �nd cook on high pressure for 15 minutes.
  6. Finally Once pressure cook cycle is complete, �llow soup to n�tur�l rele�se for 10 minutes, then rele�se the rem�ing pressure. Once �ll pressure is rele�sed, open lid �nd stir, shredding the chicken �s you stir. �dd coconut milk. Se�son with s�lt �nd pepper �nd top with cil�ntro. 

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