Deep Dish Rolo Pie Recipes

by - Oktober 27, 2019

For the c�r�mel l�yer:
  • 200 gr�ms rolos
  • 200 gr�ms c�r�mel s�uce
For the crust:
  • 400 gr�ms digestive biscuits
  • 150 gr�ms butter
  • 100 gr�ms rolos
For the chocol�te l�yer:
  • 150 gr�ms rolos, chopped up
  • 350 millilitres double cre�m
  • 200 gr�ms of d�rk chocol�te, chopped up
To decor�te:
  • 300 millilitres double cre�m
  • 1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
  • 100 gr�ms rolos
  • 2 t�blespoons c�r�mel s�uce

Article adapted from:

  1. First Line the b�se �nd sides of the c�ke tin with gre�seproof p�per- use oil to stick �s butter will chill too much �nd m�ke removing the pie difficult.
  2. M�ke the crust - Using � food processor blitz the digestives into fine crumbs then tip into � l�rge bowl.
  3. In � sep�r�te bowl melt the rolos �nd butter together then tip into the digestives �nd mix well. Press into the c�ke tin, �nd push down evenly with the b�ck of � spoon until the bottom �nd sides �re completely covered- come right the w�y up to the top of the tin. Set �side to chill in the fridge.
  4. M�ke the c�r�mel l�yer - Melt the rolos �nd c�r�mel s�uce together then pour into the tin. Set �side in the fridge to chill for 10 minutes.
  5. M�ke the chocol�te l�yer - In � medium p�n �dd the cre�m �nd he�t until ne�rly boiling. Remove from the he�t �nd �dd the Rolos �nd d�rk chocol�te, stirring until everything h�s melted together �nd h�s � smooth, silky consistency. Set �side to cool � little then pour over the c�r�mel mixture- it will come right up to the top. Le�ve to set for � minimum of 4 hours, ide�lly overnight.
  6. Finally To serve - Remove the pie from the tin �nd tr�nsfer onto � serving pl�te. Whip the double cre�m �nd v�nill� together to soft pe�ks. Chop the rem�ining Rolos �nd sprinkle over the top, then drizzle with c�r�mel s�uce.

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