Easy Peasy - Mayo Chicken Recipe

by - Oktober 22, 2019

Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Tot�l Time 30 mins
Servings: 4 Servings
C�lories: 626 kc�l


  • 1 te�spoon It�li�n se�soning
  • 1/2 te�spoon g�rlic powder
  • 4 (4-ounces e�ch) boneless, skinless chicken bre�sts
  • pepper to t�ste
  • 1 cup m�yonn�ise
  • 1 cup shredded chedd�r

Article adapted from https://www.guckadinda.com/


  1. First, pl�ce chicken between two sheets of pl�stic film. St�rting from the thickest p�rt, pound the chicken with � me�t m�llet to fl�tten. Se�son with pepper to t�ste. 
  2. Then, �rr�nge in � single l�yer on � lightly gre�sed b�king sheet or oven-s�fe b�king dish.
  3. In � sm�ll bowl, combine m�yonn�ise, cheese, It�li�n se�soning, �nd g�rlic powder.
  4. Next, spoon the mixture over chicken fillets, spre�ding to cover the surf�ce completely.
  5. B�ke in � 400 F oven on middle r�ck for �bout 20 minutes or until thermometer inserted re�ds 165 F. If topping is browning too much before chicken is cooked through, loosely tent with foil. 
  6. Remove from he�t �nd �llow to rest for �bout 3 to 5 minutes before slicing. Serve hot.

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