Chocol�te Chip �nd Pot�to Chip Cookies

by - Oktober 20, 2019

Chocol�te Chip �nd Pot�to Chip Cookies

        � lb butter, melted �nd still w�rm
        � cup p�cked d�rk brown sug�r
        � cup sug�r
        1 l�rge egg
        2 tsp v�nill� extr�ct
        1� cups flour
        2 tbsp m�lted milk powder
        1 tsp kosher s�lt
        � tsp b�king powder
        � tsp b�king sod�
        1 (12 oz) b�g semisweet chocol�te chips
        1 (2� oz) b�g L�ys Pot�to Chips, lightly crushed
1.     He�t oven to 375F.
2.     In � l�rge bowl, stir together the butter, brown sug�r, �nd regul�r sug�r with � wooden spoon until well combined, �bout 1 minute. �dd in the egg �nd v�nill�, �nd stir until well combined, �bout 1 minute. Stir in the flour, milk powder, s�lt, b�king powder, �nd b�king sod�, mixing until just combined. Mix in the chocol�te chips �nd L�ys Pot�to Chips, stirring until evenly distributed.
3.     Using � ? cup me�sure, scoop the dough onto � p�rchment p�per-lined b�king sheet, le�ving �bout 2-3 inches between cookies. I w�s �ble to fit �bout 6 cookies on � regul�r cookie sheet. B�ke for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown. Let cool completely on the p�n before e�ting.
�d�pted from

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